The “Sustainable Development in Practice” learning series has won a hat-trick in this year’s Brandon Hall Excellence Awards, highlighting UNITAR’s excellence in e-learning solutions.


Read on to find out more.

The “Sustainable Development in Practice” e-courses have earned three prestigious gold awards at the renowned Brandon Hall Excellence Awards. Developed in 2024, this course series triumphed in the Human Capital Management category, winning top honors for Best Certification Program, Best Competencies and Skill Development, and Best Results of a Learning Program.

The Brandon Hall Excellence Awards, established in 1993 by the Brandon Hall Group, are often referred to as the “Academy Awards” for Learning, Talent, and Business Executives. These awards celebrate organizations that have successfully designed and implemented programs, strategies, tools, and processes that deliver measurable outcomes.

DelphianLogic, UNITAR’s instructional design partner, played an instrumental role in the success of the series, from development to implementation. It was DelphianLogic that submitted the course series for consideration at the awards, further highlighting the team’s crucial contribution.

This is the second time that UNITAR/UN CC:Learn has won a Brando Hall award. In 2021, both UNITAR and DelphianLogic won gold in Excellence in Learning for the Green Economy and Trade and Green Fiscal Policy e-courses.

The “Sustainable Development Series” is a two-part learning series hosted on UN CC:e-Learn that examines an integrated approach to sustainable development and why countries should prioritize it. The series explores the rationale, drivers, challenges, and opportunities for addressing environmental, climate, and poverty issues in an integrated manner. It builds on UNDP/UNEP’s Poverty-Environment Action for Sustainable Development project (UNDP-UNEP PEA), which aimed to bring poverty, environment, and climate objectives into the heart of development plans, policies, budgets, public and private finance in partner countries.

The course has attracted significant global attention, with over 9,178 certificates awarded to learners worldwide.

Benin celebrated the 40th National Tree Day with an iconic tree-planting event, supported by UN CC:Learn.


Read on to find out more.

Since 1985, the population of Benin has participated in the “National Tree Day” (Journée nationale de l’arbre – JNA, in French), an annual celebration that cherishes nature and puts trees and their role in addressing climate change in the spotlight. In 2024, to celebrate JNA’s 40th edition, the Government of Benin, through the Ministry of the Quality of Life and Transport in charge of Sustainable Development and with the support of UN CC:Learn and the NDC Partnership through a project dedicated to broadly communicate and raise awareness on climate change and the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), invited its population to value the role of trees once again.

The borough of Koudou in the commune of Lokossa, in the southwest of the country, was the main celebratory stage this year. Several high-level government officials, both local and national, were present at the city to take part in an event that culminated in the plantation of 1,500 native species of trees, which were carefully picked per their characteristics and with the support of the members of the Coopérative d’Aménagement Rural (CAR) de Koudo and the Fondation TOZO de Lokossa, who will be the main beneficiaries.

The saplings protected and lined-up, at the JNA in Lokossa, Benin.

To mobilize the community, particularly the youth, the NGO CASAD was charged with selecting 80 youth ambassadors from the region. Before the JNA, these 80 ambassadors learned about the role of plants, particularly the saplings that were identified to be planted at the celebration: teak, eucalyptus, mango, orange, cola, coconut, and avocado.

The CASAD team, in close collaboration with the Lokossa communal forestry session team, trained the young ambassadors on the proper way to plant a tree, covering fundamental aspects such as the monitoring and maintenance techniques needed to ensure successful plant growth. With this new knowledge, they were entrusted with planting saplings during the JNA. Moreover, during six months, these 80 young people will be responsible for the 1,500 plants, making sure they are well taken care of.

The JNA that took place in Koudou, in Lokossa, had a festive ambiance that engaged a broad number of people, regardless of their age. From government officials to local residents, many people bought into the idea of planting trees. Given the number of trees, the efforts continued on 2nd and 3rd June, extending what was supposed to be a one-day celebration into a three-day one.

The Coordinator of the communication project and follow-up of the NDC at the JNA 2024.

The Coordinator of the communication project and follow-up of the NDC at the JNA 2024.

The tree-planting campaign organized in Lokossa to mark National Tree Day 2024 was a success, demonstrating the collective commitment of the local community, authorities, and partner organizations to environmental protection. The 1500 trees planted represent a concrete contribution to the fight against climate change.

Watch interviews with officials at the JNA (in french):


Girl eating watermelon

The flagship “Sustainable Diet” e-course, developed in partnership with Danone, is now available in French. Read on to find out more about the course!

In 2019, UN CC:Learn teamed up with Danone to produce “Sustainable Diet”, an interactive and dynamic e-course that aims to shift mindsets and foster better food choices for the health of the people and the planet.

This eight-module learning experience takes an average of two hours to complete and combines both video and online lessons. It was originally launched in English, Indonesian, and Portuguese, and is now available in French.

Climate Change seriously threatens food supplies, which in turn are also causing animal and plant species to disappear at an unprecedented rate.

“The loss of biodiversity for food and agriculture is seriously undermining our ability to feed and nourish an ever-growing global population. We need to use biodiversity sustainably to better respond to rising climate change challenges and produce food in a way that doesn’t harm our environment,” Jose Graziano da Silva, Head of FAO (UN CC:Learn partner).

These challenges are transforming how we produce, market, and consume food, but for positive transformations to effectively happen in this sphere, individuals must change their relationship with food.

By highlighting the environmental and social aspects of food production and consumption, the course seeks to shift mindsets towards a more sustainable way of living. “Sustainable Diet” strives to raise awareness of the impacts of people’s lifestyles, notably regarding their food choices, on people’s health while demonstrating what environmental implications these choices have.

What will you learn?

After completing the course you will be able to:

  • Explain what is at stake: how do your food choices affect your health and the environment?
  • Make better food choices that consider both human and planetary well-being
  • Identify ways in which changing your diet makes a positive impact
  • Develop a personal sustainable and healthy diet plan or project

Who should take this course?

The course is open to anyone and will be particularly useful to everyone interested in learning about how their lifestyles, particularly their food choices, impact their health and that of the planet.

Will you get a certificate?

To receive a certificate, learners must:

  • Go through all eight lessons.
  • Score 70% or more in the final quiz within three attempts.


Sign up for the “Sustainable Diet” in French e-course today!

Plenary session during SB60.

UN CC:Learn was present at the Climate Conference, in Bonn, Germany, organized by UN Climate Change, to advance the Action for Climate Empowerment Agenda along with several key partners.


Read on to find out more!

Photo credit: UN Climate Change / Flickr

The Bonn Climate Conference 2024 (SB60), held from June 3 to 13 in Bonn, Germany, provided an opportunity for countries and stakeholders to advance Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) while exchanging knowledge and experiences.

In an effort to enhance youth capacities, UN CC:Learn joined forces with Youth4Capacity and Rio Impact to co-organize a Climate Classroom on the Rio Conventions. This one-and-a-half-hour session focused on the synergies between the three Rio Conventions (the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – UNFCCC, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification – CCD, and the Convention on Biological Diversity – CBD). The focus of the class was on young people’s engagement and interventions across the conventions. The session included expert presentations, opportunities for Q&A, and an interactive group work segment where participants exchanged ideas and identified opportunities for action.

UN CC:Learn also actively participated in the Dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment, held on 8 and 10 June 2024, and the ACE Focal Points Academy,  held on 10 and 11 June 204. These two events, organized by UN Climate Change, zoomed in on the tools and support required for the implementation of ACE as per the Glasgow Work Programme.

Lisa Maina, from the UN CC:Learn Secretariat, moderating a session in the ACE Academy.

Lisa Maina, from the UN CC:Learn Secretariat, moderating a session in the ACE Academy.

Since 2013, the ACE Dialogues have provided a regular forum for Parties to the UNFCCC and other stakeholders to share their experiences, and exchange ideas, good practices, and lessons learned regarding the implementation of Article 6 of the Convention and Article 12 of the Paris Agreement. At the 2024 ACE Dialogue, Mr. Angus Mackay, Director, Division for Planet, UNITAR and Head of the UN CC:Learn Secretariat, moderated and facilitated different exchanges, which reflected opportunities in accessing tools and support for the implementation of ACE, while providing a space to share good practice examples. Mr. Mackay highlighted the experience of two UN CC:Learn partner countries: the Dominican Republic and Ethiopia.

Following the ACE Dialogue, the ACE Focal Points Academy offered practical discussions and applications related to the tools and support for ACE implementation. Held annually since 2022, the Academy aims to strengthen the network of national ACE focal points at both international and regional levels. It facilitates regular exchanges of views, good practices, and lessons learned to build and enhance capacity and skills, promoting peer support for ACE implementation.

In a session titled “Approaches of engagement: Raising the visibility of ACE in NDC implementation”, Ms. Lisa Maina, from the UN CC:Learn secretariat, presented UN CC:Learn’s experience in supporting Ethiopia in developing an NDC Implementation Plan for Climate Change Education as an example of an approach for fostering joint action within governments and increasing political support in raising the visibility of ACE in NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions). The session featured the presentation of the Ethiopian case study and Q&A with the audience.

In addition to UN CC:Learn, FAO, UNFCCC, UNICEF, Climate & Development Knowledge Network, the Green Environment Facility, Education Cannot Wait, Euroclima+, Youth Climate Justice Fund, as well as several national ACE focal points, and the Governments of Chile and Quebec (Canada), contributed to the Academy’s programme.

Simultaneously, the second edition of the ACE Gallery provided a platform for over 30 exhibitors to showcase their activities aimed at enhancing the implementation of ACE through a series of posters. Featured posters included the Face-NDC project in Zambia and initiatives promoting climate change education in Ghana, which were presented to a wide range of SB60 delegates.

More information about the Gallery and the other exhibitors can be found here.

The UN CC:Learn poster in the ACE Gallery.

The UN CC:Learn poster in the ACE Gallery.

Lastly, SB60 served as a networking hub for UN CC:Learn and like-minded partners. Various bilateral discussions have created valuable opportunities moving forward. These discussions have allowed UN CC:Learn and partners to explore synergies to further invest in climate change education initiatives. Such collaborations are essential for advancing global climate change efforts.

This course was developed by the UN Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat to explain how Parties to the UNFCCC implement the goals of the Paris Agreement through continually increased ambition expressed in national legislation, constitutional amendments, regulations, standards, codes or other mandatory compliance means.

  • Other
  • Adaptation

Self-paced course

2 hours


The main objective of the international climate change regime established under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is to limit dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Domestic legislation is the key to regulate, structure, and implement climate change actions to meet this objective.

This course provides guidance on the overarching climate change laws that governments can implement to establish bodies and frameworks for addressing climate change. It also provides examples of mitigation and adaptation legislation across a range of sectors.

What will you learn?

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Analyse the rationale for parties to the UNFCCC and Paris Agreement to incorporate climate considerations within legally binding national instruments.
  • Identify and describe the specific actions that parties to the Paris Agreement should undertake regarding climate change adaptation and mitigation.
  • Evaluate various types of legal instruments appropriate across a range of sectors and governmental structures and key features and examples of many of these.
  • Outline and comprehend the reporting requirements of the Paris Agreement.
  • Describe examples of the societal, financial, technical, and international challenges in establishing and implementing legally binding instruments, and solutions to those.

Course at a glance

This e-learning course consists of one online lesson with five learning modules followed by a final quiz. It will take 1-3 hours to complete the course depending on how deeply you explore modules two to four.

Module 1: The Implementation Regime, explains the goals of the Paris Agreement, the increasing levels of action needed to address climate change, and why overarching climate change framework laws are necessary.

Module 2: Implementing in the Energy Sector, presents legal instruments for the energy sector.

Module 3: Addressing Climate Change in the Natural Resources Sectors, presents legal instruments to address climate change in the natural resources sector.

Module 4: Addressing Climate Change in Cities, presents legal instruments to address climate change in Urban Systems.

Module 5: Implementing the Supporting Legal Infrastructure, addresses challenges to implementing the obligations of the Paris Agreement.

Who is this course for?

This course caters to both Party and non-Party stakeholders, including members of civil society, policymakers, advisors, government officials and parliamentarians.


Participants who successfully pass the quiz with a minimum grade of 70% within three attempts will get an official UN Climate Change certificate.

Discover how UN CC Learn’s free and self-paced online courses are contributing to climate literacy and driving global climate action. The 2023 Impact Survey reveals that learners are not only applying their new knowledge but also making significant changes in their personal and professional lives. Read on to explore the detailed findings and learn how education is empowering individuals to combat climate change.

Education is one of the most powerful drivers of positive social and environmental change. Since 2014, UN CC:Learn has contributed to climate change education globally by providing free and self-paced online courses on climate change to over 880,000 learners.

The +100 e-courses in up to 17 languages available on the e-learning platform strive to provide individuals and communities with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to effectively understand and respond to climate change.

But are UN CC:Learn courses actually contributing to positive and long-lasting behavioral change in its learners?

To answer this and other questions, UN CC:Learn prepared the 2023 Impact Survey. The Impact Survey is conducted on an annual basis and follows an approach based on the Kirkpatrick Level 3 evaluation model intended to assess the degree to which beneficiaries apply the skills and knowledge learned through the e-courses at their workplace. The survey also intends to understand how these new skills have supported UN CC:Learn alumni to adopt climate-friendly decisions and take action on climate change.

The 2023 Impact Survey was sent to a random sample of 495 participants who received a certificate of completion after taking an e-course on the UN CC:Learn e-learning platform. The sample enabled results with a 95% confidence level and 5% error range. The survey was available in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese and the results were reported anonymously and in an aggregated format.

Here are some of the key findings.

Learners are applying the knowledge they have acquired from a UN CC:Learn e-course

82% of respondents have applied, used, or transferred the knowledge and skills acquired from a UN CC:Learn course.

In addition, 92% of respondents from countries in special situations said they have applied used, or transferred the knowledge and skills learned from UN CC:Learn.

Graphs showing results of the impact survey as described in the article.

Learners are taking climate change action after completing a UN CC:Learn e-course

96% of respondents said the UN CC:Learn course has given them the necessary skills and knowledge to take climate action.

In addition, 60% said they have become more efficient in the way they use water or energy, 55% said they have recycled more of their waste at home and at work, and 54% said they have supported climate actions in their communities.

Learners have changed their consumption patterns after completing a UN CC:Learn e-course

98% of female and 97% of male respondents have made important changes in their lives and routines in relation to climate change.

In addition, 99% of respondents from countries in special situations have said they have made important changes in their life and routine upon completing a course.

The acquisition of new skills and knowledge has led to important improvements for beneficiaries.

75% feel more knowledgeable about climate change, 58% said they gained skills they can apply in their careers, and 8% said they received a pay rise after completing a UN CC:Learn course.

Read the full survey here.

Farmer carrying produce with two kids in Southeast Asia.

The second course in our two-part learning series is out!


Advancing Sustainable Development in Practice teaches you how to apply in practice an integrated approach to sustainable development throughout the various stages of the policy and project cycles.


Read on to learn more about the course.

In July 2023, UN CC:Learn and UNDP/UNEP’s Poverty-Environment Action for Sustainable Development (UNDP-UNEP PEA) released a new two-part learning series on the integration of sustainable development approaches in poverty and environment issues.

The “Intro to Sustainable Development in Practice” e-course, the first course in this learning series, has been a great success with more than 8,500 sign-ups and over 2,500 certificates delivered in a bit over three months.

Following this successful launch, the 7-module “Advancing to Sustainable Development in Practice” e-course has been made available on UN CC:e-Learn.

The course is the final part of the learning series and takes an in-depth look at how to apply in practice an integrated approach to sustainable development throughout the various stages of the policy and project cycle, including analysis, dialogue, planning, financing, communicating, monitoring, and evaluation.

It is based on Chapter 2 to Chapter 8 of the publicationSustainable Development in Practice: A Handbook for Integrating Environment, Climate and Poverty Reduction” (Bass et al., 2023) and explores a number of tools, tips and methods that can aid practitioners put in place interventions related to the environment, climate action, and poverty reduction, at the national and sub-national levels.

The learning series aims to bring poverty, environment, and climate objectives into the heart of development plans, policies, budgets, public and private finance in partner countries. Both the Intro and Advanced coursesare based on years of experience, lessons, case studies, and practical guidance distilled by the PEI/PEA project and synthesized in the PEA Handbook.

Learn more about “Advancing Sustainable Development in Practice” below!

What will you learn?

After completing the course, learners will be able to:

  • Examine and promote evidence-based approaches to poverty and environment issues.
  • Set up effective sustainable development dialogue process with key stakeholders.
  • Develop strategies for embedding poverty and environment issues into policy processes and plans.
  • Demonstrate the integration of poverty and environment issues into public and private finance, including fiscal policy.
  • Design an effective communication strategy supporting poverty and environment issues integration.
  • Formulate approaches for effective monitoring & evaluation of poverty and environment actions.
  • Discuss institutional change approaches to enabling integrated sustainable development.

Who is this course for?

The course is open to everyone, but the following groups may find it particularly useful:

  • Technical and policy planning staff at the national, regional, and local levels;
  • Development practitioners;
  • Change agents from civil society and the private sector, including youth;
  • Citizens interested in sustainable development in practice.

Will you get a certificate?

Once you complete all videos, lessons, and activities in each module, you will need to complete the final quiz at the end of the course before the certificate becomes automatically available for download.

Take the course!

In September 2023, UN CC:Learn organised a “Fireside Chat on E-Waste Prevention” for all its alumni who had completed the “E-Waste Prevention” e-course.


The hour-long discussion with a UNITAR e-waste expert touched on several solutions for this growing global problem.


Read on to find out more!

Did you know that e-waste is fastest growing waste stream in the world? 

By 2030, e-waste is projected to reach a staggering 50-70 million tons globally, with great negative consequences for both people and the environment. 

As technology evolves and the world gets even more interconnected, devices like smartphones, tablets and laptops have become mainstream, but the way in which countries deal and manage the waste stemming from their use and disposal is still falling short of the minimum necessary.

To help UN CC:Learn alumni unpack the complex e-waste issue, we invited Ms. Giulia Iattoni, Assistant Programme Officer at UNITAR’s Sustainable Cycles (SCYCLE) programme to a one-hour Fireside Chat on “How to Prevent E-Waste”. 

During the exchange, moderated by Ms. Andrea Biswas, a Researcher and Development Professional, Ms. Iattoni shed light on what electronic waste is, its far-reaching human and environmental impacts, and how we can all be part of the solution by taking responsibility for this problem and supporting circular economy initiatives and preventing e-waste in the first place. 

Ms. Iattoni stressed the importance of having good and reliable data that can inform policymakers in the different e-waste management and prevention strategies and policies. In this context, she highlighted the role SCYCLE is playing in this area through several insightful publications, such as the Global E-Waste Monitor.

In addition, she spoke about the importance and urgency of introducing legislation that holds electronic producers accountable throughout the whole value chain of the devices they make. Moreover, Ms. Iattoni highlighted how waste prevention is paramount to dealing with this problem. For instance, she brought up the importance of integrating the informal sector in e-waste management, especially in developing countries, and the success and effectiveness of “repair cafés”, gathering where people get together to repair their used electronic devices together.

The three main takeaways of the Fireside Chat were:

  • The best e-waste is the one that does not exist: as consumers, we hold immense power in making sustainable choices that favour products with longer lifespans, better warranties, and repair-friendly designs. 
  • Data, awareness, and research are our allies: understanding the scale of the e-waste problem is the first step. Reliable data, research, and raising awareness are our allies in addressing this challenge.
  • Shared responsibility for a sustainable future: the responsibility to tackle e-waste doesn’t fall on any single entity – it’s a shared effort involving governments, producers, recyclers, and consumers.

This Fireside Chat are part of UN CC:Learn’s alumni engagement initiatives and was organized for everyone who had completed the ‘’E-Waste Prevention” e-course.

The Fireside Chats provide exclusive, direct access to the personal/professional insights of UN and other thought leaders/experts on climate change topics. They consist of short (45-60 minutes), informal interviews with engaging specialists followed by an interactive Q&A with participants able to submit questions to the experts in advance.

Fireside Chat Promotional Flyer.

Fireside Chat Promotional Flyer.

The “Plastic Waste and the Basel Convention” e-course , originally launched in English in 2022, is now available in French and Spanish. The course unpacks the role of the Basel Convention in addressing plastic waste and how it can support countries in dealing with this growing global issue.


Read on to learn more about the course!

Plastic waste is a global environmental problem which affects countries and people in several ways. From health issues to the destruction of ecosystems, the plastic waste problem brings about a myriad of negative consequences that disrupt both livelihoods and economies, seriously disturbing the lives of regular citizens, especially the most vulnerable. For instance, improper plastic disposal is leading to increasingly dangerous levels of marine litter, including plastic litter and microplastics, that harm marine life and end up in the global food chain.

In 2019,  the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal and the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)emphasized the role the Basel Convention has in addressing the high and rapidly increasing levels of marine plastic litter and microplastics by preventing plastic waste from entering the marine environment. In a landmark decision, the COP adopted amendments to Annexes II, VIII and IX (the Plastic Waste Amendments), making the Basel Convention the only global legally binding instrument that currently specifically addresses plastic waste.

Currently, there is no consolidated ‘one-stop-shop’ that Basel Convention Focal Points, Competent Authorities and other stakeholders can rely on to gain a comprehensive understanding of the steps needed and the tools and guidance available to ensure prevention and minimization, environmentally sound management and control of transboundary movement of plastic waste. Considering this, the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) Conventions in cooperation with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and funded through the European Union (EU) Global Public Goods and Challenges programme (GPGC) developed the “Plastic Waste and the Basel Convention” e-course, which aims to fill this gap and is available in three languages: English, French and Spanish.

Learning objectives

After completing the course, learners will be able to:

  • Summarize the key trends, challenges and opportunities related to plastic waste management at global and national level;
  • Discuss the Basel Convention and its key provisions and annexes as well as the role of the Conference of the Parties (COP) and its subsidiary bodies with respect to plastic waste;
  • Explain how different types of plastic waste are classified and must be managed under the Basel Convention

Who should take this course ?

While the course is primarily targeted at the Focal Points and Competent Authorities of the Basel Convention, it is suited for learners irrespective of their level of pre-existing knowledge of the Basel Convention and plastic waste. It may also be useful for other government stakeholders, civil society, the private sector and the general public with some waste management or environment knowledge.

Course Completion and Certification

The successful completion of the course rewards the learner with a certificate. To complete the course, the learner must complete all three modules and pass each associated quiz with a minimum grade of 70% from no more than three attempts. The completion of each module also rewards the learner with a badge.

Take the course in English, French or Spanish.

Addressing air pollution is crucial to tackling climate change and improving people’s health. Against this backdrop, the new “How to Report Emissions under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution” affiliated e-course is now available on UN CC:e-Learn.


Read on to find out more about this new course!



Air pollution is a complex issue that impacts people’s health, the environment, and the world economy. Air pollution can originate from a broad range of sources so addressing this challenge is not always evident and straightforward. However, understanding how to properly report emissions inventories is one of the key steps that countries must take to tackle air pollution.

In this context, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) member States have been working successfully for cleaner air in Europe since 1979 through the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. As signatories to the convention, they have a basic obligation to report their emissions inventories, which quantifies air pollutants and/or greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere in a defined geographical area and time span.

To support UNECE member states, the newly affiliated “How to Report Emissions under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution” e-course, developed by UNECE, explains the importance of emission inventories for clean air policy development, the requirements for emission inventory reporting and methods for emission estimation. This e-course is currently available in English, with a Russian version in the pipeline, and builds on the “Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution” affiliated e-course, available since 2022 on UN CC:e-Learnin English and Russian.

Who should take this course?

The course will be particularly useful for Ministries and technical institutes dealing with the Convention, academics, and NGOs and anyone else wishing to learn more about emission reporting under the Convention.

Learning Objectives 

The course features three distinct modules that aim to equip learners with the knowledge and resource materials to understand the purpose of emission inventories, to follow the reporting process under the Convention and to contribute to emission inventory development.

Upon completing the course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain what an emission inventory is
  • Identify substances that are released into the atmosphere from various human activities
  • Describe how emission inventories contribute to the development of clean air policy at national and international levels
  • Outline the objectives, scope and principles of the Guidelines for reporting developed under the Convention
  • List different source categories covered by reporting obligations
  • Outline the principles of completing the reporting templates
  • Describe different emission estimation methods used under the Convention

Certification and Evaluation

To successfully complete the course and gain a Certificate of Completion, participants can take an end-of-course assessment. Once the certification criteria have been met (passing score 70%), and after completing a course evaluation form, participants will be able to download their certificate from the course’s webpage.

Affiliation programme

The UN CC:Learn affiliation programme highlights high-quality e-learning products on climate change developed by recognized institutions outside the framework of the UN CC:Learn programme / without support from the UN CC:Learn Secretariat, in accordance with specific affiliation criteria. The objective of the UN CC:Learn affiliation programme is to enhance global climate literacy through dissemination of high-level learning products that complement UN CC:Learn resources.

Take the course!