Ahead of the National Adaptation Plans: Building Climate Resilience in Agriculture (NAP-Ag) MOOC, Lorenzo and I, Elena, flew to Kenya to film the story of our protagonist Zipora, who took us on a journey in rural Kenya to show how she grew up in a traditional homestead and what it takes to find our way to the United Nations and build climate-resilient agricultural systems. Along the way, we were confronted with climate change and its snowballing impacts on people today.
Our first stop was Kitui, a town located 180 kilometers east of Nairobi. We met with farmers and agricultural extension officers. We were often received with beautiful melodies sung by farmers. Traditionally, farmers sing because they feel proud to be farmers because they know that the community respects them. So, to show their pride and appreciation, they sing!
On our way to one of the farms, our car got broke down, literally in the middle of nowhere and we had to find a way back.

Lorenzo (right) petting the dog while we were waiting for our car to be fixed.
At the time of our filming, it was supposed to be the rainy season. Instead, Kitui was going through the second period of drought; the land was cracking. It was shocking to see how scarce water was.

Photo: UNITAR/ Franchi
To get water, some people were digging holes in already dry river beds. Then, they used donkeys to take the water back to their homes.

Photo: UNITAR/ Franchi
We are very grateful to everyone that walked great distances to come out for the filming and welcomed us in their homes and offices.

Shooting some scenes for our first episode of the MOOC. Photo: Elena Zheglova
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This November, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, the United Nations Development programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) jointly organized a free-of-charge massive open online course (MOOC) on “National Adaptation Plans: Building Climate Resilience in Agriculture.”
The NAP-Ag massive open online course is designed for a broad audience with an interest in climate change adaptation, agriculture, and sustainable development.
The course leverages expertise from a diverse group of experts and practitioners in adaptation planning and climate resilience for the agriculture sectors with experience at international, regional, national, and even local levels.
The content is structured around the four elements of the formulation and implementation of national adaptation plans and delivered through a series of case studies, video-stories and interviews spread over six weeks. The curse is currently available as a tutorial at UN CC:e-learn platform.