This activity report presents the proceedings of the tenth session of the Committee on Energy of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), which was held in Amman on 22 and 23 March 2015. The session agenda contained several priority topics, including sustainable energy in the Arab region, especially energy security and regional integration, technology adaptation policy and potential for local manufacturing of adequate renewable energy equipment and a regional agenda for the implementation of the United Nations Decade on Sustainable Energy for All, as well as natural resources management for sustainable development, including the post-2015 development agenda from the perspective of the Arab region and the energy-water-food nexus in the Arab region.
Download file: English, Arabic
Organization: UNESCWA
Theme: Other
Topics: Economic and Development Planning, Energy, Technology, COP22 List of UN Publications, Policy Instruments
Type of material: Activity Report
Publication date: 2015
Language: English, Arabic