This analytical report highlights that Caribbean coastal communities will be severely threatened by the direct and indirect impacts of climate change which are projected to accelerate in the coming decades and compound the existing threats to natural systems and society. It focuses particularly on climate change projections for the Caribbean region under +2.0°C and +2.5°C global warming scenarios; the implications of ice sheet melt for global sea level rise (SLR); the projections and implications of SLR for the Caribbean region; and, using an actuarial approach, the quantification and magnitude of the losses and damages resulting from sea level rise and related coastal erosion.

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Organization: UNDP, Caribsave, Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, Caribbean Community, University of the West Indies, INSMET

Topics: Tourism, Water, Governance – General, Policy Instruments

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2010

Language: English