With 1.2 million respondents, the Peoples’ Climate Vote is the largest survey of public opinion on climate change ever conducted. Using a new and unconventional approach to polling, results span 50 countries covering 56% of the world’s population. Poll questions were distributed through advertisements in mobile game apps in 17 languages, which resulted in a huge, unique, and random sample of people of all genders, ages, and educational backgrounds.


The Peoples’ Climate Vote is a pillar of the Mission 1.5 campaign launched in 2020 by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to educate people about climate change solutions and ask them about the actions that they think governments should take. The aim of the Peoples’ Climate Vote was to connect the public to policymakers – and to provide the latter with reliable information on whether people considered climate change an emergency, and how they would like their countries to respond.

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Organization: UNDP

Theme: Youth

Topics: Environment, Education, Adaptation, Mitigation, Gender

Type of material: Activity Report

Publication date: 2020

Language: English