Greening Technical and Vocational Education and Training: a practical guide for institutions is designed to help leaders and practitioners of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in improving their understanding of, and implementing, education for sustainable development (ESD).
It is guided by a whole-institution approach, and uses a step-by-step process that can be applied in an institutional setting. The process consists of four steps: understanding, planning, implementing, and monitoring and assessment. The Guide identifies several key elements to assist TVET leaders and their institutional teams in understanding the steps in greening their institutions and programmes. It explains the need for, and the institutional benefits of, greening. It also addresses key elements for creating the rationale and strategy prior to launching the first step. The core elements of creating an institutional greening plan (IGP), addressing short, medium and long-term goals, are outlined in Step 2. Then Steps 3 and 4 address suggestions for implementing, developing and assessing the e greening process.
Download file: English
Organization: UNESCO
Theme: Education
Topics: Education, Training, Green Jobs/Economy, COP25 List of UN Publications
Type of material: Guidance Document
Publication date: 2017
Language: English