This analytical report presents the component of a multi-country research project identifying skills for green jobs of the Philippines. It notices that this country is facing two difficult and intertwined environmental tasks: minimizing the adverse impact of climate change through varied mitigation/adaptation measures and restoring its degraded environment. The way forward for the country is to pursue these tasks with greater vigour, coherence and consistency in the context of the need to green the economy and the labour market. This green economic shift is value-adding, job-creating, and a key to the creation of jobs that are both green and decent.

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Organization: ILO, UNEP, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, International Employers Organization, International Trade Union Confederation

Topics: Environment, Labour, Green Jobs/Economy, Governance – General, Policy Instruments, Capacity Development

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2010

Language: English