This report presents an effort to understand the characteristics, uptake and overall market of electric two- and three- wheelers in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The study includes the collection of data on electric two- and three-wheeler models in the three regions, a review of the status of the market, projections for region-wide growth until 2040, and recommendations to accelerate the transition towards electric two- and three-wheeler in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

The process for developing this report began with the compilation of existing electric two- and three-wheeler models and their charging technology in each of the target regions through interviews with distributors, visits in the field, and internet searches. Details were collected on more than forty data points (listed in the appendix), including but not limited to motor power, battery capacity, battery chemistry, certified range, top speed, charger capacity, and physical size. Companies’ willingness to share specific data varied widely, posing a challenge and requiring the team to critically assess the data provided. The collected vehicle model and charging technology data was compiled in a database and an online dashboard.

Download file: Report

Organization: GEF, UNEP

Theme: Energy

Topics: Energy, Technology

Type of material: Guidance Document

Publication date: 2024

Language: English