This document begins with the assumption that education is essential to prepare societies to address the climate crisis. UNESCO has been supporting countries to integrate the study of climate change into education through its focus on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). However, there is a need to understand the depth of inclusion of climate change education within national curriculum frameworks.

This document responds to this need, drawing from data and methodologies used in prior UNESCO research. In particular, this report builds on research conducted for Learn for our planet, which analyzed environment-related content within national curriculum frameworks and education sector plans for 46 countries. National Curriculum frameworks were available and analyzed for 39 of those countries. This document includes an analysis of national curriculum frameworks for an additional 61 countries (100 countries in total, representing 52 percent of UNESCO Member States).

Download file: English

Organization: UNESCO

Theme: Education

Topics: Education, Environment, Training

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2021

Language: English