This policy brief highlights that, with pressure growing on natural resources in the Asia-Pacific region, good governance is becoming increasingly important in maintaining forests and the broad range of non-market benefits that they provide. Indications of falling governance standards across the region suggest that a large proportion of the social and environmental benefits of forests to current and future generations may be lost, along with timber revenues and other market values. It also notes that, with increasing national and international interest in forestry and recent development of measures aimed at eliminating international trade in illegally sourced forest products, Asia-Pacific forestry now has a chance to address governance issues and move towards a greener and more equitable path.
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Organization: FAO, Asian Development Bank, International Tropical Timber Organization, UK Department for International Development, Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation
Topics: Economic and Development Planning, Trade, Forestry, Governance – General
Type of material: Other
Publication date: 2012
Language: English