This analytical report addresses International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)’s staff and was undertaken to complement the IFAD adaptive approach to participatory mapping (IFAD 2010) developed under the project for the Development of Decision Tools for Participatory Mapping in Specific Livelihood Systems (Pastoralists, Indigenous Peoples, Forest Dwellers) – Phase I. The ‘adaptive approach’ details the actions needed at each step of the project cycle to implement participatory mapping processes in IFAD supported programmes and projects. To strengthen information regarding the ‘adaptive approach’, this report provides guidance on how to design and implement participatory monitoring and evaluation of participatory mapping initiatives. It is divided into three main sections, providing guidelines expected to help communities, project managers in the field and members of IFAD’s evaluation team to evaluate the outcomes of the processes and monitor their impact on IFAD-supported programmes and projects.
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Organization: IFAD
Topics: Education, Adaptation, Technology, Risk Reduction/Management, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Capacity Development
Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document
Publication date: 2011
Language: English