This analytical report was commissioned with the aim to develop practical recommendations on the design of Climate Innovation Centres (CICs). The report shows how CICs can: develop and deploy appropriate technologies to mitigate and adapt to climate change; catalyse competitive domestic industries in clean technologies for job creation and economic growth; and deliver ancillary climate technology benefits such as energy security and access, and reduced local pollution. The report is intended to assist a wide audience – including developing country decision-makers, technology entrepreneurs, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), industry, NGOs, and donors – understand and develop CICs as part of a strategy to transfer, develop, and deploy advanced climate technologies suitable for the developing world.

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Topics: Finance, Industry, Energy, Adaptation, Mitigation, Technology, Economic Analysis, Governance – General, Capacity Development

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2010

Language: English