This analytical report builds on the first volume and communicates experiences of selected Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in addressing adaptation through National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) and other adaptation initiatives. It draws on these experiences and others from the rest of the other LDCs, to present additional best practices and lessons learned in addressing adaptation through the NAPAs and other initiatives. It covers experiences on institutional arrangements for coordinating adaptation work at the national level, working with several agencies in initial considerations on monitoring and evaluation of adaptation efforts, accessing and mobilizing financial resources, and deploying programmatic approaches. For many LDCs, these best practices and lessons learned will provide valuable information when addressing adaptation since they present a variety of experiences that they could consider, tailor, and use for their specific situations. These lessons will also be particularly useful for countries that are embarking on the NAP process.
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Organization: UNFCCC
Topics: Education, Adaptation, Public Participation, Capacity Development
Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document
Publication date: 2012
Language: English