This analytical report discusses key aspects of climate change adaptation and provides policymakers with a starting point, including background information and questions for further reflection. In particular, the paper focuses on: 1) the contours of the adaptation issue, as well as its relationship to other important issues; 2) the consideration of adaptation within the current international negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including the issues relating to adaptation finance; 3) the challenge of approaching adaptation at every level in a country: community, local, regional, sectoral and national.

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Organization: UNDP, UNFCCC, UNISDR

Topics: Economic and Development Planning, Adaptation, Technology, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Governance – General, Governance – Territorial and Local, Policy Instruments, Capacity Development, Financial Mechanisms

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2008

Language: English