Online platforms offer a range of courses and materials to support your climate change learning journey. This section presents a curated list of key e-learning and knowledge-sharing platforms from other UN agencies and external partners.

E-learning Platforms

These platforms offer a variety of courses to help you increase your knowledge of climate change and build skills to tackle it:

Topics e-Learning Platform
Digital Transformation Toolkit on Digital Transformation for People-Oriented Cities and Communities
Adaptation UN-Habitat Learn
Food and Agriculture FAO e-Learning Academy
Teaching Skills TROP ICSU
Governance InforMEA
Green Economy The PAGE Introductory Learning Materials on Green Economy
Disaster Risk Management Disaster Risk Management e-Learning Platform
SDGs UN SDG:Learn Platform
Meteorology WMO International Cloud Atlas
Rural People Ifad e-learning Platform

Knowledge-Sharing Platforms

These platforms contain key information, data and documents exploring different aspects of climate change: