During the COP 21 in Paris, a meeting with the Ghanaian delegation and UNITAR expressed the need to integrate the findings of the Green Economy Learning Assessment (developed under the Partnership for Action on Green Economy, http://www.un-page.org/) into the National Climate Change Learning Strategy (NCCLS).
A follow-up meeting by the Representatives of Ministry of Environment, Science Technology and Innovation (MESTI) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), CC: Learn Project Team and Representatives of UNDP in January 2016 at EPA agreed on preparing a National Learning Strategy with elements of both climate change and green economy.
Following the successful completion of Information Sessions to update the Learning Strategy with elements of climate and green economy learning, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) organized two Regional Stakeholder Workshops to validate the national Climate and Green Economy Strategy, on 15th and 17th May 2016.
The Regional Validation was participated by multi-stakeholder institutions at the regional levels of Ghana: one session was organized in Tamale (Northern part of Ghana) and another one in Kumasi (Southern part of Ghana).

Participants in a group photo at the Southern Ghana regional validation of the Climate and Green Economy Learning Strategy, in Kumasi.

Participant contributing an idea to the development of National Climate and Green Economy Learning Strategy, during the regional validation workshop in Kumasi.

Participants gathered in various groups to hold discussions on the subject matter and offer ideas to the development of the National Climate and Green Economy Learning Strategy at the workshop in Tamale.

Participants from government, private sector, civil society, research institutions and the general public in a group photograph at the Regional Validation Workshop in Tamale.