On 16 August 2016, the Validation Workshop of Niger’s National Climate Change Learning was held in Namsay, Niger. Thirty representatives of various ministries, international cooperation agencies, the academic sector and civil society came together to bring the latest amendments to the Strategy. The event was organized by the Executive Secretariat of the National Council of the Environment for Sustainable Development (SE-CNEDD), with the support of UN CC:Learn.
The workshop presented a final opportunity for stakeholders to incorporate their perspectives in the document of the National Climate Change Learning Strategy, which is under development in Niger, and follows a National Planning Workshop and a Midterm Workshop. Representatives proposed to clarify in particular the costs associated with various measures proposed and to improve certain parts of the document.
Following this validation workshop, the strategy will be amended and submitted to the Cabinet in order to integrate it into the national policy framework.

Children in the village of Guéchémé use a omen’s prayer space to pursue their studies while a new school is being built, World Bank Photo Collection, Flickr