During COP 21 in Paris, a meeting with the Ghanaian delegation and UNITAR expressed the need to integrate the findings of the Green Economy Learning Assessment (GELA) into the National Climate Change Learning Strategy (NCCLS). Again, during the 1st Global Green Economy Learning Forum, which was held immediately after the COP21, it was importantly discussed for Ghanaians to take advantage of the synergy between Climate Change Learning and Green Economy Learning now that the country is preparing a national learning strategy, looking at the sustainable development trend of global transformational agenda.
A follow-up meeting by the MESTI/EPA CC: Learn Technical Team with UNDP in January 2016 at EPA agreed on preparing a national learning strategy with elements of both climate change and green economy.
The Sectoral Information sessions were held on 14th and 15th April 2016 at the EPA Conference Room in Accra. The programme was organised for the (1) Government institutions, (2) Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), (3) the Private Sector, including Creative Art Industry and the Religious Bodies, (4) Civil Society Organisation and (5) Ghana Education Service and the Academia.
This information session was organised to improve understanding of the major stakeholders of the project on the concept of green economy component of the strategy, as well as elements to be considered in the Learning Strategy.

Participants from the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and CSOs.

Participants of Government, Institutions, General education and Private Sector.