The 2022 Bonn Climate Change Conference, also known as the 56th session of the subsidiary bodies or SB56, took place between 6 and 16 of June 2022 in Bonn, Germany, and UN CC:Learn was present to make its contribution. The conference is organized by UN Climate Change (the Secretariat of the UNFCCC) in the lead-up to COP27, to be held in Egypt, in November.

Opening plenary view – Photo credit: UNFCCC Flickr
With regard to the promotion of climate change learning, a new Dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) was held. These Dialogues provide a forum to Parties and other stakeholders to exchange ideas, experiences good practices and lessons learned regarding the implementation of Article 6 of the UNFCCC and Article 12 of the Paris Agreement. Called the “In-session Action for Climate Empowerment Dialogue”, this full-day meeting allowed key stakeholders to reflect on the engagement of children and youth in implementation of the Glasgow Work Programme’s four priority areas: policy coherence, coordinated action, tools and support, and monitoring evaluating and reporting.
In addition to it, the UN CC:Learn Secretariat attended and contributed to a two-day “Technical Workshop for Parties on how priority areas of the Glasgow Work Programme can guide implementation of the six elements of Action for Climate Empowerment”. The first session of the workshop aimed to provide Parties with the opportunity to discuss the development of partnerships to accelerate immediate ACE action at all levels. The second session offered a space for Parties to start reflecting on the design of an action plan for the Glasgow Work Programme, which will highlight specific, short-term, and time-bound ACE activities.
The Conference also provided an opportunity for the UN CC:Learn Secretariat to discuss opportunities for advancing climate change education, training and public awareness with several partners and stakeholders.