On July 30 and 31 2024, UN CC:Learn and the NDC Partnership organized a successful workshop in Cotonou in collaboration with the government of the Republic of Benin, Benin. Around 40 guests, including representatives from various government institutions, NGOs, the private sector and civil society, gathered to improve their understanding and use of an online platform developed to track and communicate the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) activities. This effort was part of the ongoing collaboration between UN CC:Learn and the NDC Partnership to support the “Communication and monitoring of NDC implementation and partnership plan” project.
The workshop was designed to ensure that participants were trained on both the technical and functional aspects of information and communication technology (ICT) solutions for Benin’s new NDC web platform, which has been developed to improve the transparency and effectiveness of NDC-related project monitoring.
The workshop took place in a collaborative and interactive atmosphere. Time was devoted to questions and answers, as well as practical exercises to deepen understanding of the tools.
The event featured several key sessions:
Introductory session : This session refreshed the basic concepts of using ICT, ensuring that all participants were at the same level of knowledge.
Website administration: Participants were trained to manage user profiles and update the NDC website with relevant information, reinforcing the platform’s role as NDC’s communication hub.
Monitoring platform training: Participants were introduced to specific tools for monitoring projects in real time, enabling them to learn how to track progress effectively.
Public website presentation : Participants learned how to manage CDN’s public website to ensure optimum visibility of climate action.
The workshop resulted in a series of recommendations. These recommendations focus on working with all stakeholders to define and update indicators, improving the visibility of NGOs and the private sector, and aligning NDC frameworks with those of the SDGs. Improvements to the platform include assigning roles to cross-cutting structures, considering adaptation projects with mitigation co-benefits, and adding captions to images on the public website. In addition, it is also recommended that existing focal points be used for guidance purposes, and that infrastructure and energy indicators be addressed through the NDCs of various sectors on the public website.

Workshop participants.
A comprehensive follow-up plan has been drawn up to ensure that the knowledge acquired lasts. Participants will have access to detailed user manuals and digital training modules available on a dedicated platform. A follow-up committee will oversee the effective implementation of the workshop recommendations and ensure that tools and content are regularly updated.