Climate Action Now – A Summary for Policy Makers 2015

This guidance document focuses on examples of solutions from around the world that hold high potential for mitigating climate change and can be implemented in the pre-2020 period.

Télécharger le fichier: ENG

Organisation: UNFCCC

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Énergie, Aménagement des Terres, Transport, Adaptation, Atténuation, Gouvernance - Général

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2015

Langue: Anglais

Assessing Climate Change Vulnerability in Fisheries and Aquaculture: Available Methodologies and Their Relevance for the Sector

This guidance document provides an overview of vulnerability assessment concepts and methodologies. It sheds light on the different vulnerability assessment methodologies that have been developed, and on how these are conditioned by the disciplinary traditions from which they have emerged. It also analyses how these methodologies have been applied in the context of fisheries and aquaculture, with illustrative examples of their application.

Télécharger le fichier: ENG

Organisation: FAO

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Eau, Adaptation, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Gouvernance - Général

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2015

Langue: Anglais

Climate: Get the Big Picture

This guidance document seeks to provide a starting point for newcomers to help them take in the ‘big picture’ of the United Nations climate change regime, which is at the forefront of international action to combat climate change. To access the document, please click here

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Organisation: UNFCCC, Government of Singapore

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Financement, Transport, Adaptation, Atténuation, Technologie

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2015

Langue: Anglais

Support for the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030: Technical Guidance Note to UNOPS Regions, Country Offices, Clusters and Project Teams

This guidance document aims to create a common and shared understanding of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) and disaster risk reduction (DRR), to provide UNOPS personnel with the knowledge and foundations needed to engage with member states and UN agencies in a consistent manner.

Télécharger le fichier: ENG

Organisation: UNOPS

Thème: Autre

Thème: Eau, Réduction/Gestion des risques

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2015

Langue: Anglais

UNOPS and Climate Change

This guidance document highlights UNOPS’s efforts to improve resource efficiency in its projects by reducing energy and water use, prioritizing the usage of sustainable, renewable and low-impact resources wherever possible and respecting the local context.

Télécharger le fichier: ENG

Organisation: UNOPS

Thème: Autre

Thème: Énergie, Transport, Eau, Atténuation, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2015

Langue: Anglais

UNOPS Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience Programme: Resilience Mainstreaming Strategy 2015-16

This guidance document highlights UNOPS Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience Programme (DRR4R) Strategy, which is a risk management philosophy that aims to influence policy, planning and practice at all levels, to enhance the likelihood of more sustainable and resilient project and programme outputs.

Télécharger le fichier: ENG

Organisation: UNOPS

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Réduction/Gestion des risques

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2015

Langue: Anglais

NAMA for the Renewable Energy Sector of Lao PDR

This guidance document aims to support Lao PDR in achieving the goal defined in the Rural Electrification Master Plan, namely to provide access to electricity to more than 90 per cent of households in Lao PDR by 2020. 

Télécharger le fichier: ENG

Organisation: UNDP

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Énergie, Adaptation, Atténuation

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2015

Langue: Anglais

The Human Cost of Weather Related Disasters

This analytical report demonstrates that since the first Climate Change Conference (COP1) in 1995, 606,000 lives have been lost and 4.1 billion people have been injured, left homeless or in need of emergency assistance as a result of weather-related disasters. The report also highlights data gaps, noting that economic losses from weather-related disasters are much higher than the recorded figure of US$1.891 trillion, which accounts for 71% of all losses attributed to natural hazards over the twenty-year period. 

Télécharger le fichier: ENG

Organisation: UNISDR, Belgian-based Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters

Thème: Santé

Thème: Santé, Préparation et Intervention d'Urgence, Réduction/Gestion des risques

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2015

Langue: Anglais

Seamless Prediction of the Earth System: From Minutes to Months

This guidance document collects  White Papers that have been written to describe the state of the science and to discuss the major challenges for making further advances. The authors of each chapter have attempted to draw together key aspects of the science that was presented at WWOSC-2014.

Télécharger le fichier: ENG

Organisation: WMO

Thème: Science

Thème: Environnement, Adaptation, Science, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2015

Climate Services for Secision-Making: A Brief Introduction to the Global Framework for Climate Services

This face sheet provides a brief introduction on the Global Framework for Climate Services.

Télécharger le fichier: ENG, ARA, FRE, RSN, SPN, CHN, PRT

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Organisation: WMO, Global Framework for Climate Services

Thème: Autre

Thème: Adaptation, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22, Policy Instruments, Gouvernance - Général

Type de publication: Autre

Date de publication: 2014

Langue: Anglais, Arabe, Chinois, Français, Russe, Espagnol, Portugais

Implementation Plan of the Global Framework for Climate Services

This guidance document outlines how the challenges can be overcome by implementing a Global Framework for Climate Services that strengthens and coordinates existing initiatives, while developing new infrastructure where lacking, particularly in the relatively poorly developed User Interface Platform.

Télécharger le fichier: ENG, ARA, FRE, RSN, SPN, CHN

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Organisation: WMO, Global Framework for Climate Services

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Adaptation, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22, Policy Instruments, Gouvernance - Territoriales et Locales

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2014

Langue: Anglais, Arabe, Chinois, Français, Russe, Espagnol

Standardized Precipitation Index User guide

This guidance document aims to help countries and institutions to understand how to calculate and use the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) in order to develop or further enhance their own drought monitoring and early warning capabilities. 

Télécharger le fichier: ENG, ARA, FRE, SPN, RSN, CHN

Organisation: WMO

Thème: Autre

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Eau, Adaptation, Analyse économique, Science, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2012

Langue: Arabe, Français, Espagnol, Russe, Chinois

National drought Management Policy Guidelines: A Template for Action

This guidance document provides a template for action that countries can use in the development of a national drought management policy and drought preparedness/mitigation plans. The process is structured in 10 steps that can be adapted by countries to reflect their institutional, infrastructure, legal, socio-economic and environmental context. It includes case studies from Brazil, Mexico, Morocco and the USA.

Télécharger le fichier: ENG, FRE, SPN, CHN, RSN, ARA

Organisation: WMO, Global Water Partnership

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Aménagement des Terres, Eau, Adaptation, Atténuation, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2014

Langue: Anglais, Français, Espagnol, Chinois, Russe, Arabe

Integrated Drought Management Programme: Flyer

This flyer introduces integrated drought management programme (IDMP), which is a global framework for drought management, prediction, and monitoring by networking new and existing programmes and activities.

Télécharger le fichier: ENG, SPN, FRE, ARA, CHN, RSN

Organisation: WMO, Global Water Partnership

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Aménagement des Terres, Adaptation, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Autre

Date de publication: 2014

Langue: Anglais, Espagnol, Français, Arabe, Chinois, Russe

Integrated Flood Management Tools Series: Urban Flood Management in a Changing Climate

This guidance document is part of the “Flood Management Tools Series” being compiled by the Associated Programme on Flood Management. The document is based on available literature, and draws findings from relevant works wherever possible. 

Télécharger le fichier: ENG

Organisation: WMO, Associated Programme on Flood Management, Global Water Partnership

Thème: Autre

Thème: Urbaine, Eau, Préparation et Intervention d'Urgence, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22, Gouvernance - Général

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2012

Langue: Anglais

Integrated Flood Management Concept Paper

This guidance document presents that an Integrated Flood Management (IFM) approach, which is an essential component of Integrated Water Resources Management, can help to balance flood risk management and development needs.

Télécharger le fichier: ENG, FRE, SPN, RSN, CHN, JPN

Organisation: WMO, Associated Programme on Flood Management, Global Water Partnership

Thème: Science

Thème: Eau, Adaptation, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Science, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2009

Langue: Anglais, Français, Espagnol, Russe, Chinois, Japonais

Climate Change is Affecting Our Health: Something Should Be Done Now

This guidance document presents six paintings, produced by the Italian painter Elisabetta Farina and commissioned by WHO for the initiative named Art for Health. The document underlines the global impact making use of images of women from different regions speaking the six World Health Organization (WHO) official languages. It points out that women are one of the groups vulnerable to the health consequences of climate change while recognizing their role as actors of change.

Télécharger le fichier: ENG

Organisation: WHO

Thème: Santé

Thème: Santé, Adaptation, Genre, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2009

Langue: Anglais

The Health Benefits of Tackling Climate Change: An Executive Summary for The Lancet Series

This guidance document presents studies that examine the health implications of actions in both high-income and low-income countries designed to reduce the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases. 

Télécharger le fichier: ENG

Organisation: WHO

Thème: Santé

Thème: Environnement, Santé, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22, Policy Instruments

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2009

Langue: Anglais

Quantitative Risk Assessment of the Effects of Climate Change on Selected Causes of Death, 2030s and 2050s

This analytical document conducts a quantitative assessment of the health impacts of climate change. This constitutes an update and a further development of the assessment that was first published by WHO for the year 2000, now with a wider range of health impacts, and projections for future years.

Télécharger le fichier: ENG

Organisation: WHO

Thème: Santé

Thème: Santé, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22, Gouvernance - Général

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2014

Langue: Anglais

Lessons Learned on Health Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change: Experiences Across Low- and Middle-Income Countries

This guidance document reviews and synthesizes the first five years of implementation (2008–2013) of projects on health adaptation to climate variability and change in low- and middle income countries worldwide. The document also presents results of qualitative research undertaken to document lessons learned and good practice examples from health adaptation projects to facilitate assessing and overcoming barriers to implementation and to scaling up.

Télécharger le fichier: ENG

Organisation: WHO

Thème: Santé

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Santé, Adaptation, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2015

Langue: Anglais