Sustainable Development Financing: Perspectives from Asia and the Pacific

This activity report provides key considerations of financing sustainable development, outlines the financing requirements, discusses resource mobilization issues,  presents ways in which capital markets can be broadened and deepened in the region, deals with financial inclusion and section, describes how to leverage public-private partnerships, illustrates innovations in climate finance, provides ways to mobilize external resources, highlights the importance of trade finance, and emphasizes the importance of SouthSouth and triangular development cooperation.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNESCAP

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Environnement, Financement, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2014

Langue: Anglais

Economic Diversification in Asian Landlocked Developing Countries: Prospects and Challenges

This analytical document, targeted to policymakers, intends to explain how to identify appropriate paths to diversification. The map of products of each of the 12 Asian LLDCs suggests sets of potential new products for consideration. Countries with no access to the sea must conduct their trade through neighbouring countries, which results in added costs.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNESCAP

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Eau, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2014

Langue: Anglais

Harnessing Science, Technology and Innovation for Inclusive and Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific

This guidance document prsents the inclusion of Science, technology and innovation (STI) in both the Sustainable Development Goals and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. For STI to be effectively implemented for inclusive and sustainable development, it is critical to first chart the practical steps needed for balanced and integrated development. This 2016 publication makes an important contribution to these deliberations.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNESCAP

Thème: Science

Thème: Science, Technologie

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2016

Langue: Anglais

Financing for Transformation: From Agenda to Action on Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific

Thguidance document calls for the Asia-Pacific region to work together to raise and channel more substantial financial resources to invest in the social sector, infrastructure development and efforts to tackle climate change in order to ensure a transformative change to bring about inclusive growth and sustainable development.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNESCAP

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Environnement, Urbaine, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2015

Langue: Anglais

Switched On: Youth at the Heart of Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific

This activity report examines the 2030 Agenda from a youth perspective, following the so-called ‘five Ps’ — people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership. It considers the social, economic and environmental dimensions of development and stresses the need to create conditions for youth to be engaged, active and integral parts of the solutions we need.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNESCAP, ILO

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Culture, Planification Economique et du Développement, Environnement, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Rapport d'Activités

Date de publication: 2016

Langue: Anglais

From the Istanbul Programme of Action to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

This guidance document explains how the Istanbul Programme of Action aims at overcoming the structural challenges of the LDCs through building their human and productive capacities and enabling their graduation from the LDC category. Its objective is to support the sustainable development of LDCs.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNESCAP

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Adaptation, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2016

Langue: Anglais

Clear the Air for Children

This guidance document looks at how children, particularly the most disadvantaged, are affected by air pollution. It points out that around 300 million children live in areas where the air is toxic – exceeding international limits by at least six times – and that children are uniquely vulnerable to air pollution, breathing faster than adults on average and taking in more air relative to their body weight. The document also notes that air pollution is a major contributing factor in the deaths of around 600,000 children under age 5 every year and threatens the health, lives and futures of millions more.

Télécharger le fichier: English, French, Spanish

Organisation: UNICEF

Thème: Santé

Thème: Environnement, Santé, Enfance, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP23

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2016

Langue: Anglais

Understanding and Addressing the Impact of Air Pollution on Children's Health in Mongolia

This analytical document aims to be a tool to present compelling scientific evidence on the most severe consequences of the continued exposure to high level of air pollution of Mongolian children. The report shows UNICEF Mongolia’s focus on generating evidence to raise public awareness on the impact of air pollution on child health and its contribution to the development of mitigation measures. 

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNICEF

Thème: Santé

Thème: Environnement, Produits Chimiques et Déchets, Enfance, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22, Public Participation

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2016

Langue: Anglais

UNECE and Climate Change

This guidance document aims to explain UNECE’s work on climate change in the pan-European region, by transforming global goals into practical norms, standards and conventions. UNECE climate change mitigation work targets cross-cutting areas that can achieve large greenhouse gas reductions. Adaptation work helps countries to address the impacts of climate change – from transport and cities to water management and forests.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNECE

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Environnement, Eau, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2016

Langue: Anglais

Reconciling Resource Uses in Transboundary Basins: Assessment of the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus

This activity report contains the results of nexus assessments that have been carried out in the framework of the UNECE Water Convention’s programme of work for 2013–2015 in specific basin contexts: the Alazani/Ganykh in the Caucasus, the Sava in South- Eastern Europe and the Syr Darya in Central Asia. The nexus assessments describe the characteristics of the resources of water, food and land, energy and ecosystem services, and their governance. Graphics illustrate the interlinkages identified. Climate change and socioeconomic drivers, and their effects on intersectoral dynamics, are also considered. Finally, a broad range of beneficial response actions are outlined. 

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNECE

Thème: Education

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Eau, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Rapport d'Activités

Date de publication: 2015

Langue: Anglais

Pilot Proejcts and Platform to Exchange Experience on Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins

The pilot projects aim to increase adaptive capacity of countries sharing transboundary river basins and to promote dialogue in developing adaptation strategies  and measures. The platform consisting of regular workshops create a wider forum for exchanging experience with basins from around the world.

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Organisation: UNECE

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Environnement, Eau, Adaptation, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Autre

Date de publication: 2010

Langue: Anglais

Transboundary Climate Change Adaptation Strategies

This web platform for exchange of experience between the pilot projects contains some of the first transboundary adaptation strategies developed wordwide, such as those on the Neman and Dniester Basins, developed by UNECE and partners, and those developed by river basin commissions such as the Danube and Rhine.

Visiter le site

Organisation: UNECE, Transboundary Climate Change Adaptation Strategies, UNDP, Transboundary Climate Change Adaptation Strategies

Thème: Education

Thème: Eau, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Autre

Date de publication: 2011

Langue: Anglais

Transboundary Climate Change Adaptation Strategies

The web platform for exchange of experience between the pilot projects contains some of the first transboundary adaptation strategies developed wordwide, such as those on the Neman and Dniester Basins, developed by UNECE and partners, and those developed by river basin commissions such as the Danube and Rhine.

Organisation: UNECE, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, UNDP, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

Thème: Education

Thème: Eau, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Autre

Date de publication: 2011

Langue: Anglais

Activities of the Pilot Projects and Other Basins in the Global Network of Basins on Adaptation to Climate Change in Transboundary Basins

This activity report explains the actions of the global network of basins and pilot projects working on climate change adaptation in the transboundary context. The project aims at strengthening the capacity to adapt to climate change and to create positive examples demonstrating the benefits of transboundary cooperation in adaptation planning and implementation. They include joint impact and vulnerability assessment and the development of a basin-wide adaptation strategy. Experience between the basins is exchanged through a web platform and regular meetings.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNECE

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Environnement, Eau, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Rapport d'Activités

Date de publication: 2014

Langue: Anglais

Impulser le Commerce Alimentaire de L’Afrique Dans le Contexte du Changement Climatique

Ce document d’orientation explique comment la variabilité et le changement climatiques ont des incidences diverses sur la production agricole. Des cultures qui traditionnellement avaient de bons rendements dans certaines régions, peuvent diminuer alors que d’autres peuvent se développer. De même, des zones où par le passé les rendements étaient faibles, peuvent devenir plus productives avec les variations de la température et de la pluviométrie.

Télécharger le fichier: Français

Organisation: UNECA, African Union, African Development Bank

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Planification Economique et du Développement, Adaptation, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2016

Langue: Français

Policy Brief – The Paris Agreement: The future relevance of UNFCCC-backed carbon markets for Africa

This policy brief is developed based on 5 key messages: 1) A fresh start for international climate policy, 2) Not words only but action, 3) Continued CDM reform, 4) Create post-2020 public CER demand and investment certainty, and 5) The SDM should primarily work as a market mechanism, but also serve as a tool for results-based mitigation finance.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNECA, African Union Commission, African Development Bank

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Atténuation, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22, Policy Instruments

Type de publication: Document de Politique

Date de publication: 2016

Langue: Anglais

African Partnership Facility for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

This guidance document is based on how crucial coordination and facilitation will be in Africa in order to move forward with the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), as the cornerstone of the Paris Agreement. Parties are now turning their intentions into concrete contributions, facing potential complexities and intricacies in the implementation of nationally determined contributions. 

Télécharger le fichier: English, Français

Organisation: UNECA, African Union, African Development Bank

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Financement, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2016

Langue: Anglais, Français

Climdev-Africa Youth Platform: Empowering African Youth for Climate Change Dialogue and Response Actions

This guidance document highlights the urge to engage with non-State actors, especially young people, in the context of the Paris Agreement laying out long-term ambitions for climate change. It explains the ClimDev-Africa Youth Platform, set up by the Climate for Development Programme (ClimDev-Africa),  as a regional platform for the interaction of African youth networks on climate change.

Télécharger le fichier: English, Français

Organisation: UNECA, African Union, African Development Bank

Thème: Jeunesse

Thème: Culture, Education, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2016

Langue: Anglais, Français

Non-carbon Benefits of REDD+: The Case for Supporting Non-carbon Benefits in Africa

This analytical document emanates from the discussion of how countries might incentivize NCBs. It differentiates between co-benefits and non-carbon benefits on the basis that the latter are a precondition for the sustainability of REDD+ while the former are opportunistic benefits (so-called “lowhanging fruit”) that have not been specifically planned for.  

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNECA, CDKN Advocacy Fund

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2016

Langue: Anglais

Programme de Jeunes Juristes africains (YAL) sur les changements climatiques

Ce document d’orientation présente le programme des jeunes juristes africains (YAL), qui reconnaît l’importance de la lutte contre les impacts du changement climatique de façon globale ainsi que les rôles et les responsabilités sans pareil des juristes dans le processus,  rassemble des jeunes juristes africains et motivés en vue d’ intégrer les réponses au changement climatique dans le programme de développement de l’Afrique. 

Télécharger le fichier: Français

Organisation: UNECA, African Union, African Development Bank

Thème: Education

Thème: Education, Training, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2016

Langue: Français