Gender and Adaptation Planning in the Agriculture Sectors: The Case of Uganda

This case study chronicles Uganda’s experiences developing a gender‑responsive National Adaptation Plan for the Agricultural Sector and related capacity development for gender-responsive policy. Uganda’s experiences suggest the need to align with national gender plans and other related policies, such as finance, planning and climate change, and global climate and development goals and agreements (e.g. Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals).

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: FAO, UNDP

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Adaptation, Genre

Type de publication: Rapport d'Activités

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais

Abordar la agricultura, la silvicultura y la pesca en los Planes Nacionales de Adaptación: Directrices complementarias

Este documento de orientación se enfoca en la Planificación Nacional de la Adaptación (PNA) en los sectores agrícolas. Constituye en una guía útil para los planificadores nacionales y los tomadores de decisiones que trabajan en aspectos de cambio climático en los países en desarrollo, y así mismo, para las autoridades y expertos de los sectores agrícolas que participan en los planes de adaptación al cambio climático, y en la formulación y aplicación de los PNA.

Télécharger le fichier: Spanish

Organisation: FAO

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Environnement, Adaptation

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Espagnol

UN CC:Learn Final Report / 2014 – 2017 Implementation Phase

This activity report presents a summary of the UN CC:Learn partnership challenges and successes during 2014 – 2017.  The report outlines the efforts of the UN CC:Learn partnership on upscaling a well established partnership for climate change learning, advancing global climate literacy, and promoting a strategic approach to climate change learning at the national and regional level.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UN CC:Learn, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Thème: Education, Training, Adaptation, Atténuation

Type de publication: Rapport d'Activités

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais

UN CC:Learn Brochure

This brochure provides a glance to the work being carried out through the UN CC:Learn partnership, involving more than 30 multilateral organizations. The partners accross the UN system and partner countries promote capacities to ensure continuous and strategic approaches to the provision of knowledge and skills.

Télécharger le fichier: UN CC:Learn Brochure in English, UN CC:Learn brochure en français, UN CC:Learn Brochure en Español

Organisation: UN CC:Learn, SDC

Thème: Education, Environnement

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2019

Langue: Anglais, Français, Espagnol

Technology Executive Committee Brief #11: Industrial Energy and Material Efficiency in Emission-Intensive Sectors

The objective of this Technology Executive Committee (TEC) Brief is to outline challenges and needs in the context of energy and material efficiency improvements in industry playing a key role in combatting climate change. Best practices and lessons learned are presented and success factors and the roles of different stakeholders in the process of enhancing industrial energy efficiency are highlighted.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNFCCC

Thème: Énergie, Environnement, Science, Technologie

Type de publication: Rapport d'Activités

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais

Rapport sur les objectifs de développement durable 2017

Ce rapport fournit un aperçu des efforts accomplis jusqu’à présent. Il met l’accent sur le fait qu’une direction politique de haut niveau et de nouveaux partenariats seront essentiels pour maintenir l’élan. Il souligne aussi le besoin de données fiables, actualisées, accessibles et ventilées pour mesurer les progrès, informer les décideurs et s’assurer que tout le monde est pris en compte.

Télécharger le fichier: French

Organisation: UN

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Dynamique des Populations, Gouvernance - Général

Type de publication: Rapport d'Activités

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Français

Resilient: Zero-Carbon, Risk-Informed, Sustainable

This activity report is comprised of 15 country case studies that provide examples of climate action, disaster risk reduction and recovery, and sustainable energy. Each case, efforts have been made to emphasize the integrated approach to these work streams and similarly, the linkages and benefits that each extends to the others.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNDP

Thème: Énergie, Adaptation, Atténuation, Réduction/Gestion des risques

Type de publication: Rapport d'Activités

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais

Regional Briefing on NAPs

This activity report provides a series of Regional Briefings is based on the consultations and discussions of the regional National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) workshops held throughout 2016 and 2017 in Sri Lanka, Cote D’Ivoire and Guyana. It aims to provide a brief overview of the NAP experiences of middle-income countries in the regions and sub-Saharan African countries, and highlight emerging issues, challenges and opportunities. The Regional Briefings focus in particular on the countries that participated in the workshops.

Télécharger le fichier: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Caribbean

Organisation: UNDP, GEF, NAP-GSP Partnership, UNEP, GEF, NAP-GSP Partnership

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Développement des Capacités

Type de publication: Rapport d'Activités

Date de publication: 2017

Becoming a UNFCCC Delegate: What You Need to Know

This toolkit has been written to help new delegates, in particular from the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), navigate the  Conference of the Parties (COP) session. It focuses on the process, rather than the content of negotiations, and offers some practical ‘insider’ tips. Attending UN climate negotiations for the first time is daunting, especially if it’s a COP session. With so many meetings happening in parallel and jargon and acronyms that constantly roll off people’s tongues, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change process is notoriously complex. 

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNEP, GEF, IIED, UNDP, GEF, IIED

Thème: Training, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP23, Politique et Droit International, Développement des Capacités

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2016

Langue: Anglais

United Nations Global Compact: A Call to Action for Sustainable Business

This guidance document presents new tools, resources and activities that can help businesses achieve its sustainability goals and find the right UN Global Compact engagement tier. While the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement are universal accords, they will very much be addressed at the national level — where each country will apply their unique history, culture and capabilities.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UN Global Compact

Thème: Financement, Analyse économique, Emplois verts/Economie

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais

Climate Negotiations Terminology: The Pocket Guide

This pocket book aims to be a supporting tool for a better understanding and application of the language in the UNFCCC negotiations. In the context of the climate change negotiations, the great amount of acronyms, buzzwords and legal terms can be complex, overwhelming and misleading too.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNEP, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), GEF, UNDP, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), GEF

Thème: Adaptation, Gouvernance - Général, Développement des Capacités

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2015

Langue: Anglais

National Adaptation Plan Global Support Programme

This guidance document gives an outline of the joint  UNDP and UN Environment National Adaptation Plan Global Support Programme (NAP-GSP). The NAP-GSP, together with partners, is assisting developing countries to identify technical, institutional and financial needs to integrate climate change adaptation into medium and long-term national planning and financing. 

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNDP, UNEP, GEF

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Adaptation

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais

Games about Change: An Activity Book Highlighting the Impacts of Energy, Infrastructure, Transport, Technology Projects Asia and the Pacific

This book of impact stories combined with games aims to help people understand some of the terminology and the simple changes we can make now in the way we use energy resources that could make a healthier world for children. Climate change mitigation is central to food security, poor health and income poverty. By supporting access to clean and affordable energy systems and services and promoting low-emission and climate-resilient urban and transport infrastructure, eradication of poverty and a significant reduction in inequalities is supported.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNDP

Thème: Urbaine, Sécurité Humaine, Atténuation, Développement des Capacités

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais

Engaging the Private Sector in Results-Based Landscape Programs: Early Lessons from the World Bank’s Forests and Landscapes Climate Finance Funds

This analytical document captures early observations in engaging the private sector, particularly multinational companies involved in global agricultural commodity supply chains, in the context of emission reductions programs to address land use change. 

Télécharger le fichier: English, French, Spanish

Organisation: WB, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility

Thème: REDD+

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Financement, Forêts

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais

Establishing Scaled-Up Crediting Program Baselines under the Paris Agreement: Issues and Options

This technical document offers guidance and identifying options related to developing scaled-up crediting programs. It focuses on baseline development, in particular how to develop baselines consistent with rules that may arise for international crediting (or other forms of emissions trading or transfers) under the Paris Agreement. In principle, the baseline for a crediting program should represent the GHG emissions that would occur over a specified period of time in the program’s absence, taking into account a range of factors — including domestic policies — that might influence those emissions.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: WB

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Education, Financement

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais

Green Industrial Policy: Concept, Policies, Country Experiences

This report illustrates how green industrial policy can be a driver for a green economy transformation and highlights the social, environmental and economic co-benefits of green industrial policy. Economic development in the age of industrialization has been achieved at the cost of severe overexploitation of natural resources. Humanity is approaching various ecological tipping points beyond which abrupt and irreversible environmental change at large geographical scale is likely to happen.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Environnement, Industrie, Adaptation

Type de publication: Rapport d'Activités

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais

Los pueblos indígenas pueden alimentar al mundo

Esta infografía proporciona una introducción a cómo los pueblos indígenas pueden aportar soluciones orientadas a la seguridad alimentaria y el cambio climático desde diferentes áreas, incluyendo: conocimientos tradicionales,  sistemas alimentarios y conservación de la biodiversidad.

Télécharger le fichier: Spanish, French

Organisation: FAO

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Environnement, Ecosystèmes

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2016

Langue: Espagnol

Climate-Smart Agriculture Manual for Agriculture Education in Zimbabwe

This guidance document is expected to transform Zimbabwe’s agriculture sector into a sustainable production system by maximising the climate opportunities and reducing climate change related risks on the agriculture sector. It was designed to provide adequate and effective training on climate change issues to agricultural extension workers, so that they acquire the expertise to impart climate-smart agriculture practices to rural farmers and build resilience to climate change.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNFCCC, UNEP DTU Partnership, CTCN, UNEP, UNEP DTU Partnership, CTCN

Thème: Education

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Education, Développement des Capacités

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais

Compendium on Greenhouse Gas Baselines and Monitoring: Passenger and Freight Transport

This technical document presents methodologies that cover a broad range of different mitigation action types in terms of scale, type of intervention and affected modes. In addition, focus was put on interventions with significant mitigation potential. It provides an overview of approaches on GHG quantification in the transportation sector, followed by a reader guide to the mitigation action sections.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Thème: Transport, Urbaine, Atténuation, Science

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais

The Emissions Gap Report 2017: A UNEP Synthesis Report

This guidance document includes an assessment of the emissions associated with the Nationally Determined Contributions and current policies of each of the G20 members, including the European Union. This is in addition to presenting an update on global greenhouse gas emissions and national actions to meet the earlier Cancun pledges.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNEP

Thème: Analyse économique, Atténuation, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Policy Instruments

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais