Afghanistan : National Capacity needs Self-Assessment for Global Environmental Management (NSCA) and National Adaptation Programme of Action for Climate Change (NAPA)

This technical document aims at describing Afghan’s efforts to implement the implentation of the National Capacity Needs Self-Assessment for Global Environmental Management (NCSA) and National Adaptation Programme of Action for Climate Change (NAPA) Projects. The idea of the analysis is to identity, confirm or review priority issues for action and explore national capacity needs. Those projects were supported by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Global Environment Facility (GEF). 

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNEP, GEF

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Planification Economique et du Développement, Industrie, Aménagement des Terres, Adaptation, Technologie, Développement des Capacités

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2009

Langue: Anglais

Plan de Acción Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático (PANA) en Guinea Ecuatorial

Este documento guía identifica las acciones que necesitan una implementación inmediata para reducir la vulnerabilidad al cambio. Las evaluaciones de la vulnerabilidad en el ámbito local llevaron al equipo del Plan de Acción Nacional de Adaptación (PANA) en una misión por todo el país, visitando a las comunidades, pueblos y ciudades para determinar las vulnerabilidades. Las comunidades más vulnerables incluían a mujeres, jóvenes y ancianos. Se destacó, especialmente, la desigualdad de género en informes previos, así como las observaciones hechas en el ámbito de la comunidad.

El PANA fue preparado y dirigido por el Ministerio de Pesca y Medio Ambiente, con la ayuda del PNUD.

Télécharger le fichier: Spanish

Organisation: PNUD, Ministerio de Pesca y Medio Ambiente de Guinea Ecuatorial, GEF, Ministerio de Pesca y Medio Ambiente de Guinea Ecuatorial

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Planification Economique et du Développement, Environnement, Adaptation, Enfance, Genre, Policy Instruments

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2013

Langue: Espagnol

Population Matters for Sustainable Development

This analytical report explains the critical linkages between population dynamics and sustainable development and outlines a human-rights-based framework to address associated challenges and seize opportunities for policy-makers. A special emphasis is put on the Laxenburg Declaration. The report was prepared in consultation with thirteen international agencies.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNFPA

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Énergie, Environnement, Eau, Sécurité Humaine, Migration and Refugees, Dynamique des Populations, Policy Instruments

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2012

Langue: Anglais

Strategic Approach to Capacity Development for Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction : A Vision of Risk-Informed Sustainable Development by 2030

This guidance document aims at understanding capacity development obstacles and challenges in the disaster risk reduction context, and especially the linkages with the Sendai Framework Monitor. It reviews action areas for capacity development, driving principles, capacity development planning tools as well as stakeholders and partners.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNISDR

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Aménagement des Terres, Adaptation, Préparation et Intervention d'Urgence, Dynamique des Populations, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Gouvernance - Territoriales et Locales

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2018

Langue: Anglais

Words into Action Guidelines : Sea-level Rise

This guidance document lists some resources that are currently available to assess the risk of sea-level rise. It also provides a deeper understanding of disaster risk reduction governance to manage sea-level rise, on enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response and on guiding resilience investment.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UNISDR

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Environnement, Sécurité et Défense, Eau, Adaptation, Préparation et Intervention d'Urgence, Dynamique des Populations, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Policy Instruments

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais

Using Insurance to protect Farmers against Drought in Senegal

This policy document records the cooperation between the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) to help make weather index insurance available to farmers in Senegal. It shows while insurance is one of the tools that farmers in developed countries use to cope with risk, those in the developing world often lack this and other resources. 

Télécharger le fichier: English, French

Organisation: WFP, IFAD, AFD

Thème: Autre

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Planification Economique et du Développement, Travail, Aménagement des Terres, Sécurité Humaine, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Développement des Capacités

Type de publication: Document de Politique

Date de publication: 2018

Langue: Anglais, Français

Aid for Trade at a Glance : promoting Trade, Inclusiveness and Connectivity for Sustainable Development

This technical report shows that high trade costs can undermine the potential gains from trade, especially for for small and medium sized enterprises in developing countries which are not able to fully exploit market access opportunities. What emerges from the report is the need for action to streamline priority for
micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs). 

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: WTO, OECD

Thème: Autre

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Planification Economique et du Développement, Industrie, Adaptation, Analyse économique, Mécanismes Financiers

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais

Enhancing Cooperation for Sustainable Development

This policy document aims at recording the gradual convergence of CITES and the WTO around the principle of sustainable development over the past four decades as well as in the future. 

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: WTO

Thème: Autre

Thème: Environnement, Biodiversité, Gouvernance - Général

Type de publication: Document de Politique

Date de publication: 2018

Langue: Anglais

Kathmandu Valley, Nepal : Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment

This analytical document aims at promoting adaptation to climate change in Kathmandu Valley and, a fortiori, in developing countries. It should encourage shelter for all and sustainable human settlements development focusing on urban governance, decentralisation and strengthening local authorities. The valley is analysed through three main pillars: exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity to change. 

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UN habitat

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Aménagement des Terres, Urbaine, Adaptation, Atténuation, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Gouvernance - Territoriales et Locales

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2015

Langue: Anglais

Integrating Climate Change into City Development Strategies (CDS)

This guidance document wants to build on aforementioned efforts by systematically linking each step of the City Development Strategy approach to existing practices of streamlining climate change concerns into city planning. It also takes as key source the already existing guide Planning for Climate Change (UNHabitat, 2014) and adds recommendations from the case studies, where appropriate.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UN habitat, Cities Alliance, WB, Cities Alliance, UNEP, Cities Alliance

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Urbaine, Adaptation, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Gouvernance - Territoriales et Locales

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2015

Langue: Anglais

Urbanization and Climate Change in Small Island Developing States

This analytical document provides a contextual understanding of the challenges and opportunities of climate change in relation to human settlements in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and contains various references to urbanization, such as land and housing, water and sanitation, energy, and infrastructure. The report also explains how SIDS face numerous constraints in their pursuit of sustainable development due to their ecological fragility and economic vulnerability. 

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UN habitat

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Énergie, Environnement, Aménagement des Terres, Urbaine, Eau, Adaptation, Préparation et Intervention d'Urgence, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Gouvernance - Territoriales et Locales

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2015

Langue: Anglais

Makassar, Indonesia : Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment

This analytical document addresses Makassar’s climate change situation from a comprehensive vulnerability perspective that focuses on exposure to climate change hazards, socio-economic sensitivities and the adaptive capacities of the city and its stakeholders. The report puts particular emphasis on the assessment on the role of local ecosystems for climate change adaptation as well as on an institutional
assessment. Based on this analysis the report identifies vulnerable people, places and sectors and provides preliminary climate change adaptation options.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UN-Habitat, UNDP, UNEP

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Environnement, Adaptation, Préparation et Intervention d'Urgence, Sécurité Humaine, Migration and Refugees, Atténuation, Dynamique des Populations, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Gouvernance - Territoriales et Locales

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2014

Langue: Anglais

Assessing the Institutional Capacity of Latin American Countries for Sustainable Infrastructure Planning and Delivery

This analytical document reviews country- and sector-level upstream planning and procurement approaches of water, transport, and energy infrastructure projects in Bolivia, Chile, El Salvador, Jamaica, Nicaragua, and Peru. For each country and sector, institutional frameworks, policies and legislation are reviewed for sustainable infrastructure planning. The report also identifies the main institutional gaps that need to be addressed in Latin American and Caribbean countries so they can improve their planning and preparation of sustainable infrastructure projects.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: IDB

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Énergie, Industrie, Transport, Urbaine, Adaptation, Technologie, Policy Instruments

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2018

Langue: Anglais

What is Sustainable Infrastructure? A Framework to Guide Sustainability across the Project Cycle

This guidance document explores ways to enhance clarity, reduce risks, and realize the opportunities that sustainable infrastructure supports inclusive growth and productivity, enhancing coverage and quality of services embodied in the SDGs, and accelerating the transition to low carbon growth and climate resilient economies in Latin America and the Caribbean. The framework presents four main principles of sustainability covering economic and financial, environmental, social, and institutional dimensions. 

Télécharger le fichier: English, Spanish

Organisation: Inter-American Development Bank

Thème: Autre

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Énergie, Environnement, Industrie, Transport, Adaptation, Technologie, Policy Instruments

Type de publication: Document d'Orientation

Date de publication: 2018

Langue: Anglais, Espagnol

Inter-American Development Bank Sustainability report 2017

This activity report presents how the Inter-American Development Bank’s support translate into positive actions and impacts in the region, while highlighting some examples of how sustainability is the key transversal ingredient to help countries advance in achieving their development objectives. The analysis takes into account The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate Change Agreement as well as the specific location of Latin America and Caribbean region, which is susceptible to natural disasters, including hurricanes, landslides, droughts, and earthquakes. 

Télécharger le fichier: English, Spanish

Organisation: Inter-American Development Bank

Thème: Autre

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Education, Environnement, Industrie, Urbaine, Adaptation, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Gouvernance - Général

Type de publication: Rapport d'Activités

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais, Espagnol

Africa Sustainable Development Report

The analytical report is aligned with the theme of the 2017 High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF): “Eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity in a changing world”. It focuses on the following six goals of the HLPF: Goal 1 (End Poverty); Goal 2 – (Zero Hunger); Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being); Goal 5 (Gender Equality); Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure); and Goal 14 (Life below water). It observes that Africa’s infrastructure deficits undermine industrial development and underline the stagnation in value addition in manufacturing.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: Africa Development Bank

Thème: Autre

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Environnement, Santé, Industrie, Eau, Genre, Technologie, Gouvernance - Général

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais

Planning and Design for Sustainable Mobility : Global Report on Human Settlements

This analytical document seeks to highlight the transportation challenges experienced in cities all over the world, and identifies examples of good practice from specific cities of how to address such challenges. The report also provides recommendations on how national, provincial and local governments and other stakeholders can develop more sustainable urban futures through improved planning and design of urban transport systems.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UN habitat

Thème: Autre

Thème: Planification Economique et du Développement, Environnement, Transport, Urbaine, Adaptation, Analyse économique, Gouvernance - Territoriales et Locales

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2013

Langue: Anglais

Sustainable urbanization in Paris agreement

This analytical document provides a baseline of the first release of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) linked to urban issues in the world. The specific objective of this research is to conduct a comprehensive analysis, tacking into account the adoption of the New Urban Agenda (NUA) and the entry into force of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change in 2016. 

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UN habitat

Thème: Adaptation

Thème: Environnement, Urbaine, Adaptation, Gouvernance - Territoriales et Locales

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2017

Langue: Anglais

Integrating climate change into forestry

This slide presentation proposes an introduction to the linkages between climate change, forest and agriculture. it identifies ways to address climate change and aims at developping a conceptual framework between land use programs and climate change. 

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: REDD, World Agroforestry Center, USAID, CIFOR

Thème: Autre

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Environnement, Forêts, Aménagement des Terres, Training, Adaptation, Emplois verts/Economie, Public Participation

Type de publication: Présentation PowerPoint

Date de publication: 2009

Langue: Anglais

Forestry and Macroeconomic Accounts of Uganda: The Importance of Linking Ecosystem Services to Macroeconomics

This analytical document summarises work conducted by the Uganda UN-REDD+ National programme during 2017 to guide the development of policy instruments for the Government of Uganda in order to evaluate the contribution of forests to the economy. The work conducted comprised economic modelling and analysis with the purpose of valuing the benefits of forest ecosystem services.

Télécharger le fichier: English

Organisation: UN-REDD, FAO, UNDP, UNEP

Thème: Autre

Thème: Agriculture et Alimentation, Environnement, Forêts, Aménagement des Terres, Adaptation, Analyse économique, Policy Instruments

Type de publication: Document Analytique-Technique

Date de publication: 2018

Langue: Anglais