Climate Change and Poverty: An Analytical Framework
This policy document explores the relationship between climate change and poverty by examining the impact of climate change on 1) poor people’s livelihoods and wellbeing, 2) the risk for non-poor people to fall into poverty and 3) the ability of poor people to escape poverty. The paper concludes that climate change is likely to represent a major obstacle to a sustained eradication of poverty. Climate policies are compatible with poverty reduction by the appropriate set of social policies, and climate change does not modify how poverty policies should be designed, but rather, it creates greater needs and more urgency due to more frequent and more severe shocks and extreme weather events.
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Planification Economique et du Développement, Adaptation, Atténuation, Gouvernance - Général, Policy Instruments
Type de publication:
Document de Politique
Date de publication:
REDD+ and Adaptation: Identifying Complementary Responses to Climate Change
This manual highlights the complementarities and potential trade-offs between REDD+ and adaptation actions. The manual suggests that ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change (EBA) may help to achieve REDD+ objectives. Furthermore, the implementation of REDD+ activities can maintain and enhance ecosystem services that can support societal adaptation, and REDD+ actions may also influence aspects of adaptive capacity.
Télécharger le fichier:
Forêts, Adaptation, REDD, Ecosystèmes
Type de publication:
Document d'Orientation
Date de publication:
Turn Down the Heat: Confronting the New Climate Normal
This analytical report focuses on the risks of climate change to development in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and North Africa, and parts of Europe and Central Asia. Building on earlier Turn Down the Heat reports, this new scientific analysis examines the likely impacts of present day (0.8°C), 2°C and 4°C warming above pre-industrial temperatures on agricultural production, water resources, ecosystem services, and coastal vulnerability for affected populations. Across the three regions studied in this report, record-breaking temperatures are occurring more frequently, rainfall has increased in intensity in some places, while drought-prone regions are getting dryer.
Télécharger le fichier:
Science, Adaptation, Atténuation, Réduction/Gestion des risques
Type de publication:
Document Analytique-Technique
Date de publication:
Coping with Climate Change: The Roles of Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
This mannual aims 1) to raise awareness of important roles of genetic resources for food and agriculture against climate change and 2) to contribute to the mainstreaming of genetic resources into climate change adaptation and mitigation planning at national and international levels. Based on several thematic studies, the mannual presents an overview of the complex interactions between climate change and plant, animal, forest, aquatic, invertebrate and micro-organism genetic resources. The manual concludes that if agriculture aims to adapt to climate change and achieve food security and nutrition goals in the coming decades, food production systems and ecosystems need to become more flexible, multifunctional and capable of providing multiple services.
Télécharger le fichier:
FAO, Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Agriculture et Alimentation, Adaptation, Biodiversité, Atténuation
Type de publication:
Document d'Orientation
Date de publication:
La Economía del Cambio Climático en Bolivia: Validación de Modelos Climáticos
Los efectos del cambio climático sobre Bolivia son de interés tanto científico como político. Para estudiar estos efectos se usó los datos producidos por el modelo climático regional PRECIS para la región de Bolivia. La validación del modelo se realizó comprando los datos observados en superficie a nivel mensual en el periodo 1961-1990, con aquellos obtenidos del modelo. Adicionalmente, se analizaron los valores climatológicos para los periodos 1961-1990 y 2071-2100. El análisis muestra un incremento promedio de 4,4ºC para el territorio boliviano con el máximo incremento en la zona norte del país y en la zona del Altiplano Sur. Los cambios proyectados en temperatura indicarían que el incremento estaría por encima de la variabilidad climática. Por su parte, los resultados sugieren una mayor precipitación en la zona de tierras bajas durante el verano con el consiguiente riesgo de inundaciones. Las características asociadas a los modelos de clima, así como las incertidumbres asociadas a sus proyecciones, hacen que las conclusiones obtenidas en este estudio deban ser tratadas con precaución. Un análisis de varias corridas con condiciones de contorno y condiciones iniciales diferentes, así como estudios de sensibilidad, son recomendables para reducir la incertidumbre en las proyecciones.
Télécharger le fichier:
IDB, Estudio Regional de la Economía del Cambio Climático en América Latina y el Caribe, Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, UKAID del gobierno Británico
Science, Adaptation, Atténuation, Analyse économique
Type de publication:
Document Analytique-Technique
Date de publication:
Estimación de la Amenaza y el Riesgo Probabilista por Huracán en Guatemala Incorporando el Impacto Asociado al Cambio Climático
El estudio consiste en un análisis probabilista del riesgo de huracanes considerando los efectos del cambio climático. En el estudio se comparan los resultados de pérdidas esperadas en infraestructura pública y privada causadas por huracanes, considerando escenarios de cambio climático. El estudio analiza el posible impacto de huracanes con diferentes periodos de recurrencia, desde 50 años hasta 1000 años. Además de los valores para el conjunto del país, el estudio efectúa análisis específicos de la Ciudad de Guatemala, Ocós, Zacapa, Santiago de Atitlán, Los Pocitos y Puerto Barrios. Así mismo, cada ciudad fue analizada en base al departamento, sector, sistema estructural, uso, categoría y nivel socioeconómico de la infraestructura.
Télécharger le fichier:
Adaptation, Atténuation, Réduction/Gestion des risques
Type de publication:
Document Analytique-Technique
Date de publication:
Default Risk in Agricultural Lending: The Effects of Commodity Price Volatility and Climate
This analytical report proposes and estimates a default risk model for agricultural lenders, which explicitly accounts for two risks that are endemic to agricultural activities: commodity price volatility and climate. The results indicate that both factors are relevant in explaining the occurrence of default in the portfolio of a rural bank. In addition, the paper illustrates how to integrate the default risk model into standard techniques of portfolio credit risk modeling. The portfolio credit risk model provides a quantitative tool to estimate the loss distribution and the economic capital for a rural bank. The estimated parameters of the default risk model, along with scenarios for the evolution of the risk factors, are used to construct stress tests on the portfolio of a rural bank. These stress tests indicate that climate factors have a larger effect on economic capital than commodity price volatility.
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IDB, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
Agriculture et Alimentation, Financement, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Analyse économique
Type de publication:
Document Analytique-Technique
Date de publication:
Assessing the Effects of Climate and Socioeconomic Factors on Vulnerability to Vector-Borne Diseases in Latin America
This analytical report published by Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) estimates the effects of epidemic outbreaks on health vulnerability. The model proposed is empirically tested for five countries in Latin America, where dengue is a national health priority. Using data from national censuses, satellite climate information and data from a newly developed disease outbreak surveillance online platform, the paper finds that climate has non-negligible effects on health vulnerability. The evidence found and the vulnerability index constructed can be used to analyze the main determinants of vulnerability in order to address policy concerns.
Télécharger le fichier:
IDB, Soluciones en Economía Aplicada (SEA)
Santé, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Sécurité Humaine
Type de publication:
Document Analytique-Technique
Date de publication:
The Health Impacts of Severe Climate Shocks in Colombia
This analytical paper published by Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) studies the link between severe weather shocks in Colombia and municipality-level incidence of dengue and malaria. The unexpectedly high variability of the 2010 rainfalls relative to previous periods and their regional heterogeneity are exploited as an identification strategy. The results confirm that the relationship between climate events and vector-borne diseases is intricate. The 2010 weather shocks are associated with not only an increase in the number of dengue cases but also with a decrease in its incidence (particularly in the presence of extreme rain events). Floods seem to have decreased the number of dengue cases.
Télécharger le fichier:
IDB, Universidad del Rosario
Santé, Réduction/Gestion des risques
Type de publication:
Document Analytique-Technique
Date de publication:
Climate-Smart Agriculture in Latin America: Drawing on Research to Incorporate Technologies to Adapt to Climate Change
This analytical report published by Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) outlines four key climate-smart agriculture techniques: conservation agriculture (tillage, cover crops, and rotation), irrigation, agroforestry, and soil conservation structures. The report examines the results of current research on the effects of these techniques, their gaps and limitations, and the extent to which they have been adopted in Latin America. The analysis presents how better to design projects promoting climate-smart agriculture and assesses their future impact on Latin American farmers.
Télécharger le fichier:
Agriculture et Alimentation, Adaptation, Technologie, Développement des Capacités
Type de publication:
Document Analytique-Technique
Date de publication:
Long-Term Effect of Climate Change on Health: Evidence from Heat Waves in Mexico
This analytical report published by Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) uses year-to-year variation in temperature to estimate the long-term effects of climate change on health outcomes in Mexico. Combining temperature data at the district level and three rounds of nationally representative household surveys, an individual’s health as an adult is matched with the history of heat waves from birth to adulthood. It is shown that exposure to higher temperatures early in life has negative consequences on adult height. Most importantly, the effects are concentrated at the times where children experience growth spurts (infancy and adolescence).
Télécharger le fichier:
IDB, University of Connecticut
Santé, Réduction/Gestion des risques
Type de publication:
Document Analytique-Technique
Date de publication:
Climate Change Impacts on Birth Outcomes in Brazil
This analytical report published by Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) attempts to identify the climatic effect on birth outcomes in Brazil. Panel data models indicate that excess and lack of rainfall have the most important harmful effects on newborns’ health (temperature stresses and low relative humidity also have effects). The use of climate change forecasts for Brazil suggests a possible increase of 305 neonatal deaths annually and three thousand additional low-weight births each year. The paper further examines public policy’s role in minimizing the effects of extreme weather.
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IDB, São Paulo University, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Santé, Adaptation, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Préparation et Intervention d'Urgence
Type de publication:
Document Analytique-Technique
Date de publication:
Impacts of Climate Change on Dengue Risk in Brazil
This analytical report published by Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) identifies the climate impacts on dengue risk in Brazil by using a comparative case study on the synthetic controls approach. The results suggest that dengue is more prevalent in warmer regions, but the humidity conditions and amount of rainfall seem fundamental for increase of the diseases prevalence in temperate climate regions or drier tropical regions of the country. Due to expected climate changes in the future, the dengue fever distribution in the country might change, which requires public policy to minimize these effects.
Télécharger le fichier:
IDB, University of São Paulo, Federal University of Pernambuco
Santé, Adaptation, Réduction/Gestion des risques, Préparation et Intervention d'Urgence
Type de publication:
Document Analytique-Technique
Date de publication:
Towards Climate-Responsible Peatlands Management
This manual is published by Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture (MICCA) programme in Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture. The report describes the negative environmental impacts (greenhouse gas emission) caused by peatland drainage and presents the practical management system to reduce these negative impacts with several case studies.
Télécharger le fichier:
Agriculture et Alimentation, Adaptation, Atténuation, Développement des Capacités
Type de publication:
Document d'Orientation
Date de publication:
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use in Latin America & the Caribbean
This visual aid presents data provided by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) emissions database. The data presented concerns the emissions from agriculture, forestry and other land use, including which are the largets emitters of greenhouse gases, by activity or region.
Télécharger le fichier:
Agriculture et Alimentation, Aménagement des Terres, Forêts, REDD
Type de publication:
Ressources Audiovisuelles
Date de publication:
Connecting the Dots: How Climate Change Transforms Market Risks and Opportunities
This analytical report charts the intimate interaction of climate change with other key issues on the global agenda, and identifies the requirement this places on governments and international agencies to develop a new level of policy coherence. It warns business that both the success or failure of climate policy will transform the landscape of risk and opportunity for investment. The report further urges the faster and more imaginative development of partnerships between governments, international agencies, businesses and civil society organizations.
Télécharger le fichier:
Global Compact
Financement, Emplois verts/Economie, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22
Type de publication:
Document Analytique-Technique
Date de publication:
Adapting for a Green Economy: Companies, Communities and Climate Change
This analytical document presents the business case for private sector adaptation to climate change in ways that build the resilience of vulnerable communities in developing countries – and provides useful guidance to business leaders and policymakers alike.
Télécharger le fichier:
Global Compact, Oxfam, WRI, UNEP, Oxfam, WRI
Adaptation, Emplois verts/Economie, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22
Date de publication:
Business and Climate Change Adaptation: Toward Resilient Companies and Communities
This technical document presents ten case examples on climate change adaptation that underscore private sector strengths in identifying new business opportunities, creating new markets, and recognizing and managing risks that are critical in building resilient businesses and communities.
Télécharger le fichier:
Global Compact, UNEP
Adaptation, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22, Mécanismes Financiers
Type de publication:
Document Analytique-Technique
Date de publication:
The Guide for Responsible Corporate Engagement in Climate Policy
This technical document sets baseline expectations for companies to provide proactive and constructive input to governments to advocate for the creation of effective climate policies. It connects the dots between sustainability commitments, such as emissions reductions across their value chains and efficiency improvements, with corporate policy positions.
Télécharger le fichier:
Global Compact, WRI, CDP, WWF, CERES, The Climate Group, UNEP, WRI, CDP, WWF, CERES, The Climate Group, UNFCCC, WRI, CDP, WWF, CERES, The Climate Group
Financement, Atténuation, Liste des Publications des Nations Unies COP22, Politique et Droit International, Policy Instruments, Financement Carbone et MDP
Type de publication:
Document Analytique-Technique
Date de publication:
Business Leadership Criteria on Carbon Pricing
The Business Leadership Criteria on Carbon Pricing is designed to inspire companies to reach the next level of climate performance and to advocate for a price on carbon as a necessary and effective measure to tackle the climate change challenge. The criteria comprise three overlapping dimensions: first, setting an internal carbon price; second, responsible policy advocacy; and third, communicating on progress.
Télécharger le fichier:
Global Compact, UNEP, UNFCCC
Financement, Financement Carbone et MDP
Type de publication:
Date de publication: