
Lao PDR: Consolidated Livelihood Exercise for Analyzing Resilience

This activity report examines climate impacts on livelihoods and is intended to be used as a tool to identify adaptation options for the most vulnerable livelihoods. Livelihoods in Lao PDR are diverse owing to a complex topography and the flows of the Mekong River basin. Over 40 unique livelihood groups exist in the country, each with a unique resilience profile.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: WFP, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment&#039, s Department Disaster Management and Climate Change, USAID

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Urbano, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Informe de Actividad

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) Infographic

This analytical document displays the key findings from a survey conducted by WFP in 2015, with regard  to cookstove activities to better understand how to scale up its Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) programmes. This programme  addresses the serious challenges faced by the most vulnerable people linked with access to cooking fuel.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: WFP

Tema: Otro

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Energía, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés

The R4 Rural Resilience Initiative

This video provides an overview of WFP’s and Oxfam America’s R4 Initiative, a comprehensive risk management approach that helps vulnerable rural households increase their food and income security in the face of increasing climate risks.

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Organización: WFP, Oxfam

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Mitigación, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Recurso Audio-Visual

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés

FoodSECuRE: Innovative Approach To Disaster Preparedness And Response

This video explaons how climate disasters hit the poorest people the hardest. It’s estimated that by 2050, climate shocks could increase hunger and child malnutrition by 20 percent. As world leaders gather in Paris for climate talks, WFP and partners unveil FoodSECuRE, a forecast-based approach which would transform the humanitarian system. This new approach will release funds for disaster preparedness and response before the crisis occurs while providing the necessary funds for resilience building activities. 

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Organización: WFP

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Mitigación, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Recurso Audio-Visual

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés

Climate Services Video

This video focuses on how some vulnerable countries do not have adequate information to manage climate risks. CLimate servics aims to provide suitable climate information to governments, communities and individuals so that they can take better decisions to increase their food security and resilience.

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Organización: WFP

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Climate Services (Fact sheet)

This guidance document showcases how climate services intend to help vulnerable communities address these challenges by providing the information they need to make well-informed decisions. The emphasis is on providing services or advice, which are tailored to people’s specific needs by being: timely, easy to access, easy to understand, and packaged in a way that can trigger action. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: WFP

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés

Sand Art on UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution

This video highlights air pollution as the world’s largest environmental health risk. It damages ecosystems and biodiversity and decreases agricultural crop yields. In 1979, UNECE member States agreed to reduce their emissions to atmosphere, signing the first international treaty to deal with air pollution on a broad regional basis. Improving air quality benefits our health, economy and environment – including our climate.

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Organización: UNECE

Tema: Otro

Tema: Medio Ambiente, Salud, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Recurso Audio-Visual

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Towards a Green Economy

This video focuses on the importance of green economy in sustainable development. It’s about shifting to a new economic paradigm, which boosts prosperity and human well-being, increases access to renewable energy, improves food security and air quality while also combatting climate change. At the 8th Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference in Batumi (2016), leaders endorsed a Strategic Framework and launched the Batumi Initiative on Green Economy (BIG-E), in support of countries’ efforts to green their economy and stop climate change.

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Organización: UNECE

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Energía, Empleos Verdes/Economía, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Recurso Audio-Visual

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Gender Responsive National Communications Toolkit

This guidance document is designed to strengthen the capacity of national government staff and assist them in integrating gender equality into the development of National Communications (NCs). It is recognized that NC reporting processes can be a meaningful entry point for training, awareness-raising and capacity-building efforts. This toolkit can support Biennial Update Reports and planning documents such as National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), and inform the development and/or implementation of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), national and sectoral Gender and Climate Change Plans, and the strategic plans of individual government agencies.

Descargar archivo: English

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Género, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22, Policy Instruments, Desarrollo de Capacidades

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés

Filling Buckets, Fueling Change: Ensuring Gender-Responsive Climate Change Adaptation

This analytical document is based on a study of gender-responsive adaptation approaches being implemented in six countries.  It targets adaptation practitioners and decision-makers at all levels (from community to global) who are designing new adaptation initiatives and/or developing new climate change-related policies.  It provides a framework in which to examine concrete examples of gender-responsive approaches and how they can lead to greater adaptation impact.  It also makes the argument not only for the need for integrated approaches to gender and climate change but more importantly, to identify what inputs, resources and partnerships are needed to pursue them effectively. 

Descargar archivo: English


Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Adaptación, Género, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22, Policy Instruments

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Financing Sustainable Development: The Critical Role of Risk and Resilience

This activity report is in part based on a set of key messages crafted from the work of a technical workshop featuring the involvement of experts from across the aid and financing worlds. Elaborating on some of these messages, this report is designed to influence state actors, development finance practitioners and private sector stakeholders. Data and examples are used throughout for emphasis, but this report is not a comprehensive analysis of the various risks, and the requirements, for building resilience. It does however make the case that better risk management and the building of resilience are imperative for sustainable development.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNDP, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Finanzas, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Informe de Actividad

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Developing Country Support Needs for the Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

This analytical document is based on a survey conducted to assess capacity development support needs among developing countries as they prepare for implementation of the Paris Agreement and, in particular, their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The survey addressed countries’ progress on NDC implementation planning, as well as capacity development or technical assistance needs related to NDC implementation. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNDP

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Adaptación, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Adaptive Farms, Resilient Tables: Building Secure Food Systems and Celebrating Distinct Culinary Traditions in a World of Climate Uncertainty

This resource offers recipes from six least developed countries and small island developing states (Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Haiti, Mali, Niger and Sudan) to strengthen climate resilience and enhance food security. It intends to highlight how climate change is impacting specific ingredients and recipes, and how each country’s adaptation efforts are changing the ingredients and cooking methods traditionally used.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNDP, CANADA-UNDP

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Gestión de Uso de la Tierra, Ecosistemas, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Annual Performance Report: UNDP Global Environmental Finance Unit

This activity report highlights how UNDP’s partnership with environmental vertical funds has helped to transform markets, empower and strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities, and build the capacity of countries to safeguard their natural capital as the foundation of sustainable development. 

Descargar archivo: 2016, 2015

Organización: UNDP, GEF

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Finanzas, Género, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Informe de Actividad

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Climate Box: An Interactive Learning Toolkit on Climate

This toolkit provides source of information on climate change for schoolchildren helping them learn how to protect our planet. The main objective of the Climate Box is to provide school kids with important information on issues related to global climate change in an interesting, attractive and entertaining way.

Descargar archivo: Textbook, Quiz, Map, Poster

Organización: UNDP, Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, GEF, Coca-Cola Company

Tema: Educación

Tema: Medio Ambiente, Training, Niñez, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés

Frontline Observations on Climate Change and Sustainability of Large Marine Ecosystems

This activity report recognizes the increasing urgency of mainstreaming climate change into sustainable development planning at all levels, linking development policies with the financing of solutions and helping countries move towards less carbon intensive economies. The Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) approach recommends a baseline of information at the LME management scale on changing states of productivity, fish and fisheries, pollution and ecosystem health, and socioeconomic and governance conditions. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNDP, GEF

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Agua, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Informe de Actividad

Fecha de publicación: 2012

Idioma: Inglés

A Practitioners’ Guide to Establishing a Community-Based Adaptation Programme: Recommendations Based on the UNDP-GEF CBA Pilot Project

This guidance document is based on examples from Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) projects of the GEF Small Grants Programme implemented by UNDP and aims to guide practitioners in developing CBA projects from design to implementation. It includes recommendations on country entry points, roles and responsibilities of multi-level stakeholders, financial management, use of methodologies, applying the Theory of Change (ToC) and more.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNDP, GEF

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Finanzas, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés

NDC Implementation Readiness Checklist

This guidance document identifies nine key steps or stages that countries will need to consider as they prepare for implementation of their current and future Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The checklist is intended to be used by governments to guide national conversations around the topic of NDC implementation, moving from planning to action. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNDP, WRI

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Finanzas, Adaptación, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Scaling Up Climate Action to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

This activity report emphasizes successes and notes the opportunities that climate action presents for countries as they transition their economies towards zero-carbon and climate-resilient sustainable development, as countries begin to take concrete action to deliver on their national climate goals. In this report, is a special focus on the linkages between climate change and sustainable development. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNDP

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Medio Ambiente, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Informe de Actividad

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

ICAO Global Framework for Alternative Aviation Fuels

This web platform provides a database on aviation alternative fuels developments is made available to the aviation community. This includes up-to-date news and announcements, as well as descriptions of ongoing initiatives, reference documentation and educational material.

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Organización: ICAO

Tema: Otro

Tema: Medio Ambiente, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2009

Idioma: Inglés