
Shimokawa Town, the Sustainable Development Goals Report

This analytical document illustrates practical examples and the direction of future initiatives related to the SDGs in Shimokawa in a format that, where possible, is in line with the United Nations handbook for the preparation of Voluntary National Reviews (VNR). It also aims at communicating about Japanese efforts to achieve the SDGs, in areas including environment and energy, health and welfare, advancement of women, and promotion of industry. 

Shimokawa takes part, jointly with Kitakyushu and Toyama cities, of the ‘SDGs Futures cities’, announced by the Japanese governement in June 2018.  

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: IGES

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Energía, Medio Ambiente, Salud, Urbano, Adaptación, Género, Empleos Verdes/Economía, Policy Instruments

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2018

Idioma: Inglés

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Developing Countries : Contributions to Reducing Global Emissions

This analytical document evaluates the impact of Developping countries projects and initiatives through renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE). The analysis shows that low-carbon forms of development – particularly city-based public private partnerships – generate multiple co-benefits. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNEP, Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Energía, Urbano, Adaptación, Análisis Económico, Policy Instruments

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2017

Idioma: Inglés

Kitakyushu City, the Sustainable Development Goals Report

This analytical document illustrates practical examples and the direction of future initiatives related to the SDGs in Kitakyushu in a format that, where possible, is in line with the United Nations handbook for the preparation of Voluntary National Reviews (VNR). It also aims at communicating about Japanese efforts to achieve the SDGs, in areas including environment and energy, health and welfare, advancement of women, and promotion of industry. 

Kitakyushu takes part, jointly with Shimokawa and Toyama cities, of the ‘SDGs Futures cities’, announced by the Japanese governement in June 2018.  

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: IGES

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Energía, Medio Ambiente, Salud, Urbano, Adaptación, Género, Empleos Verdes/Economía, Policy Instruments

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2018

Idioma: Inglés

Toyama City, the Sustainable Development Goals Report

This analytical document aims at communicating about Japanese efforts to achieve the SDGs. It should forms the foundation for further deepening the “Compact City Planning based on Polycentric Transport Networks” platform for urban planning by linking the SDGs to efforts in areas including environment and energy, health and welfare, advancement of women, and promotion of industry. 

Tayoma takes part, jointly with Shimokawa and Kitakyushu cities, of the ‘SDGs Futures cities’, announced by the Japanese governement in June 2018.  

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: IGES

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Energía, Medio Ambiente, Salud, Urbano, Adaptación, Género, Empleos Verdes/Economía, Policy Instruments

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2018

Idioma: Inglés

Cities, Climate Change and Multilevel Governance

This analytical document presents a framework for multilevel governance, showing that advancing governance of climate change across all levels of government and relevant stakeholders is crucial to avoid policy gaps between local and national action plans. This virtuous integration and its benefits are explained throughout the report. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: OECD

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Adaptación, Gobernanza - General

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2009

Idioma: Inglés

Catalysing Finance for Incubators and Accelerators, Addressing Climate Change Through Innovation

This analytical document examines the feasibility of the incubator and accelerator approaches for climate technology entrepreneurship in developing countries. It provides findings and recommendations on how such organizations can scale-up and speed-up technology innovation for addressing climate change.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNFCCC, GCF, CTCN

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Análisis Económico, Mecanismos Financieros

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2018

Idioma: Inglés

Issues and trends in Education for Sustainable Development

This analytical document presents an overview of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and highlights key issues related to ESD policy and practice. Topics include key ESD competencies and themes, policy, changes in the learning environment, teacher training, youth as lead actors, and scaling-up action for environmental integrity, economic viability and a just society. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNESCO

Tema: Educación

Tema: Educación, Adaptación, Public Participation

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2018

Idioma: Inglés

Uncharted Water, The New Economics of Water Scarcity and Variability

This technical document examines the impacts of rainfall variability on global food production. It also explores the human impacts of rainfall shocks and finds that in rural areas, living through a long-term drought in childhood can leave scars that follow individuals throughout their lives. It finally investigates rainfall shocks cities and water infrastructure. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: WB

Tema: Otro

Tema: Agua, Preparación y Respuesta a Emergencias, Desarrollo de Capacidades

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2017

Idioma: Inglés

Clean Water and Sanitation

This technical document reviews and includes data on the global baseline status of SDG 6, the current situation and trends at global and regional levels, and what more needs to be done to achieve this goal by 2030. The report is based on the latest data available for the 11 SDG 6 global indicators, plus complementary data and evidence from a wide range of sources.  

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UN Water, FAO, ILO, UNDP, UNECE, UNEP, UNESCO, UN habitat, UNICEF, UNU, WB, WHO, WMO

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Agua, Adaptación, Policy Instruments

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2018

Idioma: Inglés

Nature Opportunities for Human Security

This guidance document shows the role of biodiversity in achieving human security and wellbeing and presents the development of a post-2020 global strategy for biodiversity. 

Descargar archivo: English

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Seguridad y Defensa, Biodiversidad, Seguridad Humana

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2018

Idioma: Inglés

The State of Plastics

This analytical document gives an overview of the plastic’s crisis. It goes on to explore the potential of alternative materials and sheds light on the effectiveness of current government legislation to cut down on single-use plastics.

Descargar archivo: English, French, Spanish

Organización: UNEP

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Medio Ambiente, Adaptación, Gobernanza - General

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2018

Idioma: Inglés

The Ocean is Loosing its Breath, Declining Oxygen in the World’s Ocean and Coastal Waters

This analytical report presents a summary of scientific experiments and numerical models about deoxygenation, with a focus on understanding its various aspects and impacts. It shows that human activities are primarily responsible for the decline in the open ocean and coastal waters.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNESCO, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission

Tema: Ciencia

Tema: Agua, Biodiversidad, Ecosistemas, Gobernanza - General

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2018

Idioma: Inglés

Climate Change Adaptation in the Arab States

This report seeks to elaborate UNDP’s vision for helping countries achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and goals elaborated in their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to climate change.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNDP, GCF, GEF, GCF

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Adaptación, Mitigación, Desarrollo de Capacidades

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2018

Idioma: Inglés

Nature-based Solutions for Water

This technical document focuses on opportunities to exploit the natural processes in the water cycle, which have become known collectively as «Nature-based Solutions» (SfNs) for water. It explains what mechanisms can be achieved to accelerate the adoption of SfN for water.

Descargar archivo: English, French, Spanish

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Agua, Adaptación, Policy Instruments

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2018

Idioma: Inglés

The Emissions Gap Report 2017

This analytical document explains how a shift in technology and investment can reduce emissions, while creating huge social, economic and environmental opportunities. It also shows the trends in current global emissions, future scenarios and policy discussions. 

Descargar archivo: English

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Organización: UNEP

Tema: Ciencia

Tema: Energía, Medio Ambiente, Mitigación, Policy Instruments

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2017

Idioma: Inglés

Indigenous peoples’ collective rights to lands, territories and natural resources

This analytical document is providing lessons on how indigenous people and their representing institutions can create enabling environments to secure their access to collective rights over ancestral territories, improve the sustainable management of indigenous lands, regulate the community use of natural resources and reduce conflicts over lands and resources.

Descargar archivo: English, French, Spanish

Organización: IFAD

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Medio Ambiente, Gestión de Uso de la Tierra, Derechos Humanos y Justicia

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2018

Idioma: Inglés, Francés, Español

Policy Brief: Regional Education for Sustainable Development Networks

This brief presents key findings and trends over the 10 years of the Decade for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), highlighting the importance and effectiveness of stakeholder engagement, partnerships and networks in promoting and advancing ESD. This brief examines the importance of regional networks.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNESCO

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Educación, Medio Ambiente

Tipo de material: Informe de Actividad

Fecha de publicación: 2018

Idioma: Inglés

World Social Protection Report : Universal Social Protection to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

This analytical document provides an assessment of the current state of social protection systems around the globe, their coverage, benefits, and expenditures. It shows how social protection is at the forefront of the sustainable development agenda, given its positive social and economic impacts. It also takes into account climate changes consequences on social protection systems. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: ILO

Tema: Otro

Tema: Trabajo, Derechos Humanos y Justicia, Derecho Internacional y Política

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2017

Idioma: Inglés

Frontiers 2017, emerging issues of environmental concern

This analytical report explains the environmental dimension of the issue of antibiotic residues in the environment,  resistant pathogens and other molecules with antimicrobial properties that enhance the spread of resistance genes in microbial communities. It emphasizes the need for considering the environmental exposure to antimicrobials in efforts to curb the resistance.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNEP

Tema: Salud

Tema: Salud, Químicos y Desechos, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo, Policy Instruments

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2017

Idioma: Inglés

Impacts of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture: Synthesis of Current Knowledge, Adaptation and Mitigation Options

This document investigates the impacts of extreme events, as there is growing confidence that their number is on the increase in several regions, and is related to anthropogenic climate change. Climate-related disasters now account for more than 80 percent of all disaster events, with large social and economic impacts.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: FAO

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Agua

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2018

Idioma: Inglés