
Our Climate is Changing: Lesson Plans for Children and Youth

This guidance document seeks to encourage children and youth to use their creativity and energy to come up with feasible, sustainable, long-term strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Each set of lesson plans includes an introductory text about the topic that can serve as background material for the teacher or as a text for older students. 

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: IDB

Tema: Educación

Tema: Educación, Medio Ambiente, Niñez, Desarrollo de Capacidades

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés

Water Partnership Program FY15 Annual Report: A Waterway to Resilience

This activity report highlights the program’s progress and results during Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15). This year’s report showcases three focus areas in water: building resilience; helping service providers become more efficient and sustainable; and using integrated approaches to confront complexity. 

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: WB

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Medio Ambiente, Finanzas, Agua, Adaptación

Tipo de material: Informe de Actividad

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Agriculture and Adaptation to Climate Change: The Role of Insurance and Technology Dissemination in Brazilian Risk Management

This guidance document examines potential policy instruments for agricultural climate change adaptation based on empirical analysis of a theoretical model for Brazil.

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: IDB

Tema: Otro

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Medio Ambiente, Finanzas, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés

Motivating the School Community to Rise Up against Climate Change

This guidance document pretends to motivate the school community to rise up and take initiatives against climate change.

Descargar archivo: ENG, SPN

Organización: IDB

Tema: Educación

Tema: Educación, Medio Ambiente, Training, Adaptación, Niñez

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés, Español

Addressing Climate Change within Disaster Risk Management: A Practical Guide for IDB Project Preparation

This technical document identifies climate change risk management options that can be incorporated into Inter-American Development Bank investments and presents considerations for monitoring and evaluation strategies to track the effectiveness of such actions. 

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: IDB

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Medio Ambiente, Adaptación, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés

Climate Change Adaptation Case Study: Sea Level Rise in Trinidad and Tobago

This guidance document examines the sea level rise in Trinidad and Tobago and defines the vulnerability of the water and sanitation sector with respect to sea level rise. It contributes to strengthen the capacity of the water and sanitation sector to adaptively respond to sea level rise.

Descargar archivo: ENG, SPN

Organización: IDB

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Medio Ambiente, Agua, Adaptación, Gobernanza - Territorial y Local

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés, Español

Climate Change Adaptation and Integrated Water Resource Management in Managua, Nicaragua

This guidance document presents the process of increasing climate change adaptation capacity in communities in Central America. The document also identifies the corresponding infrastructure and policy-based adaptation measures that can be implemented in response to increased precipitation intensity,

Descargar archivo: ENG, SPN

Organización: IDB, Nordic Development Fund

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Medio Ambiente, Agua, Adaptación, Seguridad Humana, Gobernanza - Territorial y Local

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés, Español

CGE Modeling: The Relevance of Alternative Structural Specifications for the Evaluation of Carbon Taxes' Impact and for the Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Effects: Simulations for Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean

This analytical document shows a small Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model to study the impact of carbon taxes on GDP and emissions under alternative closure rules and hypotheses. The model is simulated for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Jamaica and Peru and evaluates the costs of lowering emissions under different scenarios.

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: IDB

Tema: Otro

Tema: Medio Ambiente, Finanzas, Análisis Económico, Empleos Verdes/Economía, Financiamiento de Carbono y MDL

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés

Plates, Pyramids and Planets Developments in National Healthy and Sustainable Dietary Guidelines: A State of Play Assessment

This guidance document specifically examines the role of national level dietary guidelines in providing a steer on what dietary patterns that are both healthy and sustainable look like.

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: FAO, University of Oxford

Tema: Salud

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Medio Ambiente, Salud

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Loss and Damage: The Role of Ecosystem Services

This analytical report discusses climate impacts on specific ecosystem services, including on provisioning services, regulating services, supporting services and cultural services. It outlines a range of policy solutions to address climate impacts that are related to: assessing loss and damage to ecosystem services; avoiding and reducing loss and damage; risk reduction; and identifies areas for future research.

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: UNEP

Tema: Otro

Tema: Medio Ambiente, Biodiversidad, Ecosistemas, Gobernanza - General

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

World Cities Report 2016: Urbanization and Development – Emerging Futures

This analytical document shows that there are new forms of collaboration and cooperation, planning, governance, finance and learning that can sustain positive change. The report demonstrates that the current urbanization model is unsustainable and suggests that the pattern of urbanization needs to be changed.

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: UNHABITAT

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Urbano, Adaptación, Gobernanza - General

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Our Planet: Inclusive Green Economy: Building Bridges to a Sustainable Future

This guidance document explores many pathways towards an inclusive green economy. The document suggests that green economy discourse needs to be brought much closer to the people, with an emphasis on valuing the invisible, involving communities and stimulating environmental employment. The report also shows that “green” policies will struggle to make a long-term impact unless they deliver what communities need.

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: UNEP

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Medio Ambiente, Finanzas, Empleos Verdes/Economía

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Carbon Credits and Additionality: Past, Present, and Future

This technical document clarifies the concept of additionality and its significance for crediting mechanisms; describes the different approaches that have been used to demonstrate or test additionality; and explores the implications of the evolving carbon markets on the application and importance of additionality.

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: WB

Tema: Ciencia

Tema: Finanzas, Mitigación, Tecnología, Financiamiento de Carbono y MDL

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Toward Climate-Resilient Hydropower in South Asia

This guidance document presents the framework which is most effective when a wide range of risks must be considered, as is typically the case with high-value hydropower investments. The report suggests that in order to gain maximum benefit from the framework, it should be conducted at both project and basin scale, first to answer questions immediately relevant to investors and then to provide perspective on alternative investment portfolios that may yield greater returns.

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: WB

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Industria, Urbano, Agua

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Assessing Socioeconomic Resilience to Floods in 90 Countries

This analytical document presents a model to assess the socioeconomic resilience to natural disasters of an economy, defined as its capacity to mitigate the impact of disaster-related asset losses on welfare, and a tool to help decision makers identify the most promising policy options to reduce welfare losses due to floods.

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: WB

Tema: Agua, Adaptación, Análisis Económico, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo, Gobernanza - General

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

The Adaptation Gap Finance Report 2016

This guidance document explores the costs of meeting adaptation needs and assesses the funding that is available for meeting those needs. The report suggests that although international public funding for adaptation has increased in recent years, the previous assessments of the costs of adaptation have involved significant underestimates. This leaves a gap – the adaptation finance gap – which is needed to be filled in order to achieve the ambitions of the Paris Agreement.

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: UNEP

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Finanzas, Adaptación, Mecanismos Financieros

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Peatlands and Climate Change: Peatlands Provide Vital Ecosystem Service

This infographic provides an overview of the role of peatlands for climate change adaptation and mitigation. It also presents key actions and strategies for responsible peatland management that maintain peatland ecosystem services while sustaining and improving livelihoods.

For more information, please access here

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: FAO

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Adaptación, Mitigación

Tipo de material: Recurso Audio-Visual

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

The Triple Dividend of Resilience: Realising Development Goals through the Multiple Benefits of Disaster Risk Management

This guidance report provides evidence for three types of benefits – or dividends of resilience – that disaster risk management (DRM) investments can yield: (i) Avoiding losses when disasters strike; (ii) Stimulating economic activity thanks to reduced disaster risk; and (iii) Development co-benefits, or uses, of a specific DRM investment. While the first dividend is the most common motivation for investing in resilience, the second and third dividend are typically overlooked. The report argues that any evaluation of the benefits of DRM investments is incomplete without a full account of all three dividends of resilience.

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: WB, GFDRR, ODI

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Finanzas, Adaptación, Preparación y Respuesta a Emergencias, Seguridad Humana, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo, Gobernanza - General

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés

Greenhouse Gas Data Management Building Systems for Corporate/ Facility-Level Reporting

The technical document aims to provide specific guidance for policy makers and IT developers on all aspects of designing and developing greenhouse gas (GHG) data management systems that support industry reporting programs.

Drawing on lessons learned from a number of jurisdictions – including Australia, California, Chile, China, France, Germany, Kazakhstan, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, the UK, and the US – the report highlights the legal, institutional, and technical considerations associated with designing and developing such systems, and describes a step-by-step process for determining their functional and technical requirements.

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: WB

Tema: Otro

Tema: Finanzas, Análisis Económico, Mitigación, Policy Instruments, Financiamiento de Carbono y MDL

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

More Money, More Impact? China's Climate Change South-South Cooperation to Date and Future Trends

This guidance document provides an overview of the historic development and current state of China’s South-South cooperation on mitigating and adapting to climate change. Based on the findings of a global survey and interviews, it considers and analyzes the experiences, needs and priorities of China’s partner countries and how China could support other developing countries in the future.

Descargar archivo: ENG

Organización: UNDP

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Medio Ambiente, Gobernanza - General, Desarrollo de Capacidades

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés