
Fact Sheet on Livelihood and Economic Diversification: Complementary Tools for Adaptation

This fact sheet intends to explain how to promote economic diversification and build resilience. Livelihood and economic diversification (LED) are considered as complementary and valuable tools that can effectively support the mid to long-term transformation of economies at risk. The combination of LED tools reflects an innovative approach for the Adaptation Committee, to address the overall objective of strengthening resilience and decreasing vulnerability over time. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNFCCC

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Adaptación

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Carbon Market Clubs and the New Paris Regime

This analytical document explores how a future international carbon market could link a ‘patchwork’ of different, domestic climate actions. The end-goal is to develop the services and institutions needed to enhance transparency, comparability, and fungibility of heterogeneous climate actions, for a connected international carbon market that is liquid and delivers climate-smart financing efficiently. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: WB, Climate Strategies

Tema: Finanzas, Financiamiento de Carbono y MDL

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Investing in Urban Resilience: Protecting and Promoting Development in a Changing World

This  report highlights the need and potential for investing in urban resilience in low and middleincome countries. It demonstrates why the international development community should care about making cities in the developing world more resilient. The report provides understanding of why shocks and stresses disproportionately affect the urban poor. The audience for this report includes stakeholders in vulnerable cities in the developing world, potential investors in urban resilience as well as existing and future partners working on advancing resilience in cities

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: WB, Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery

Tema: Urbano, Mitigación

Tipo de material: Informe de Actividad

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés

Cartographie des Flux Financiers Alignés à La REDD+ En Côte d'Ivoire

This infographic shows public finance that went to activities that impact on land use in 2015 and that are therefore considered “relevant” in the context of Côte d’Ivoire’s National REDD+ Strategy. These sectors include agriculture, forestry, domestic energy, environment, mining, and planning policy.  The study identifies the nature and volume of domestic and international public finance that was already contributing to limiting deforestation and encouraging sustainable land use in the country in 2015. It provides a baseline against which to measure progress towards the levels of investment required to drive sustainable agriculture and reforestation. It also identifies opportunities to increase finance available for implementation of the National REDD+ Strategy.

Descargar archivo: French, English

Organización: UNREDD

Tema: REDD+

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Finanzas, Silvicultura

Tipo de material: Recurso Audio-Visual

Fecha de publicación: 2017

Delivering Sustainable Energy in a Changing Climate: Strategy Note on Sustainable Energy

This report showcases UNDP’s vision, mission, approach, guiding principles, and focus in the area of sustainable energy. It also highlights the critical role that sustainable energy plays in advancing major outcomes from post-2015 global processes including the SDGs, the Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the New Urban Agenda.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNDP

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Energía

Tipo de material: Informe de Actividad

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Private Sector Investment in Climate Adaptation in Developing Countries: Landscape, Lessons Learned and Future Opportunities

This report examines the evidence base on efforts to support private sector investment in climate adaptation. Analysis shows that multilateral development banks (MDBs) and the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience, a funding window of the Climate Investment Funds, are at the forefront. In the challenging, complex field of private sector adaptation, MDBs are uniquely positioned to provide the technical and financial support that lenders and investors need to overcome barriers to action. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: WB, Climate Investment Funds, Pilot Program for Climate Resililence

Tema: Finanzas, Adaptación, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo

Tipo de material: Informe de Actividad

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Increasing Climate Resilience: Addressing the Impact of Extreme Events on Agriculture and the Way Forward

This report results as part of the strategic objective on increasing the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises, as FAO works with member countries to enhance and harmonize the assessment of damage and losses from disasters in crops, livestock, fisheries, aquaculture and forestry, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of DRR/M and CCA good practice technologies in agriculture. Advancements and improvements in the field of damage and losses monitoring are crucial to support global and regional initiatives on climate change adaptation in agriculture.

Descargar archivo: English, French

Organización: FAO

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Silvicultura, Agua

Tipo de material: Informe de Actividad

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés, Francés

The Potential of the Blue Economy: Increasing Long-term Benefits of the Sustainable Use of Marine Resources for Small Island Developing States and Coastal Least Developed Countries

This report was drafted by a working group of United Nations entities, the World Bank, and other stakeholders to suggest a common understanding of the blue economy; to highlight the importance of such an approach, particularly for small island developing states and coastal least developed countries; to identify some of the key challenges its adoption poses; and to suggest some broad next steps that are called for in order to ensure its implementation. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: World Bank, UNDESA

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Ecosistemas

Tipo de material: Informe de Actividad

Fecha de publicación: 2017

Idioma: Inglés

Use of Climate Predictions to Manage Risks

This analytical document provides an understanding and examples of the range of currently available operational climate prediction products and services and climate products that are still under research and development with the potential of transitioning into operations. It is intended for all audiences from policymakers to practitioners and users. The figures shown should not be used as actual predictions; they are intended to illustrate products and services.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: WMO, Global Framework for Climate Services

Tema: Agua, Ecosistemas, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Global Climate Commitments in Action: 2016 Progress Report

This report presents country trends in climate technology transfer needs, assessed throughout a period of 3 years. The findigns highlight that demand for technology transfer in support of achieving countries’ national commitments is growing rapidly. Approximately 30% of all incoming mitigation-related requests focus on energy efficiency. Among adaptation-related requests for technical assistance, an increasing number of countries are focusing on early warning systems. A growing number of requests include appeals for assistance in catalysing project financing; the consideration of gender is essential too. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNEP, Climate Technology Centre and Network, UNFCCC, Climate Technology Centre and Network, UNIDO, Climate Technology Centre and Network

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Adaptación, Mitigación, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP23

Tipo de material: Informe de Actividad

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Technology Executive Committee: South–South Cooperation and Triangular Cooperation on Technologies for Adaptation in the Water and Agriculture Sectors

This publication explores how countries can harness south-south and triangular cooperation for accelerating the exchange of adaptation technologies, knowledge and practices in the water and agriculture sectors. It highlights challenges, best practices, lessons learned, and the roles of stakeholders in replicating and transferring such technologies. The brief is set in the context of country efforts to implement their national adaptation plans, nationally determined contributions and the sustainable development goals.

Descargar archivo: TEC Brief #9

Organización: UNFCCC

Tema: Ciencia

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Agua, Tecnología

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2017

Idioma: Inglés

Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change: From Victims to Change Agents through Decent Work

This guidance document analyses the situation of indigenous peoples in the context of climate change. It suggests that indigenous peoples are affected in distinctive ways by climate change, and also by the policies or actions that are aimed at addressing it. At the same time, it highlights that, as agents of change, indigenous people are essential to the success of policies and measures directed towards mitigating and adapting to climate change, especially their sustainable economic model and traditional knowledge. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: ILO

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Cultura, Educación, Adaptación

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2017

Idioma: Inglés

YouthXchange Biodiversity and Lifestyles Guidebook

The guidance document aims to help youth familiarize themselves with global biodiversity, cultural diversity and develop essential skills while engaging with biodiversity. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNEP, Convention on Biological Diversity, UNESCO, Convention on Biological Diversity

Tema: Jóvenes

Tema: Educación, Medio Ambiente, Biodiversidad, Public Participation

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés

YouthXchange Green Skills and Lifestyles Guidebook

This guidance document aims to help young people connect the talk about the green economy, green societies and green jobs to their lifestyles. It focuses on the skills required to make these transitions by providing case studies and insight on green jobs and the skills they will require in terms of social innovation and entrepreneurship, the role of different stakeholders (government and private sector) and life skills.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNEP, ILO, UNESCO

Tema: Jóvenes

Tema: Educación, Niñez, Empleos Verdes/Economía, Public Participation

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Prioritizing Agriculture Sectors in Climate Change Adaptation

This infographic shows how the changing climatic conditions and more frequent extreme weather events can negatively affect the livelihoods of rural people and food and nutrition security.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: FAO

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Forests Slow Climate Change and Increase Resilience

This infographic showcases how forests are key to climate, water, health, and livelihoods. Forests and trees are a cornerstone of addressing climate change and achieving sustainable development, as they are some of the most vital storehouses of carbon on our planet. However, when forests are cleared to make way for agriculture or infrastructure, they emit large quantities of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which contributes to climate change. At the same time, standing forests make a crucial contribution to addressing the impacts of climate change not only by absorbing greenhouse gases but also by building more resilient landscapes.

Descargar archivo: English, French, Spanish

Organización: WB

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Silvicultura, Urbano

Tipo de material: Recurso Audio-Visual

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés, Francés, Español

Forests and Wood Products for a Low-Carbon Future: Integrating Forests and Wood Products in Climate Change Strategies

This book provides a collection of mitigation options offered by forests and wood products and on the enabling conditions for realizing their potential. It’s designed primarily for policymakers, negotiators and other experts contributing to climate change strategies, but will also be of interest for professionals in such fields as energy, architecture and construction. Its aim is to provide elements for decisions on a policy mix that will optimize carbon emission reduction (less carbon content per unit of output) and socioeconomic benefits with the needed urgency.

Descargar archivo: Infographic, Book

Organización: FAO

Tema: Silvicultura, Industria, Policy Instruments

Tipo de material: Documento de Política

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Kiribati: Climate Change and Migration – Relationships Between Household Vulnerability, Human Mobility and Climate Change

This technical document presents the results of the first nationally representative empirical study of relationships between household vulnerability, human mobility and climate change in the Pacific. Findings are based upon quantitative and qualitative fieldwork carried out in Kiribati during the early part of 2015. Project fieldwork involved implementation of a total of 377 household surveys in South Tarawa, North Tarawa, Marakei, Kiritimati and Butaritari.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNESCAP, European Union, UNU-EHS, European Union, ILO, European Union, UNDP, European Union

Tema: Ciencia

Tema: Trabajo, Migration and Refugees, Ciencia

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Impact Evaluation of the WFP Enhancing Resilience to Natural Disasters and the Effects of Climate Change Programme with a Specific Focus on the Resilience Dimension

This activity report aims at assessing the Enhancing Resilience to Natural Disasters and the Effects of Climate Change (ER) programme’s effectiveness in terms of improving beneficiaries’ resilience. The impact evaluation was constructed around two hypotheses: (i) at the outcome level, ER-beneficiaries were expected to show lower propensity to adopt detrimental responses and higher propensity to adopt positive responses; (ii) at the impact level, ER-beneficiaries were expected to show faster recovery rates than households in the control group.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: WFP, Government of Sweden

Tema: Agricultura y la Alimentación, Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo

Tipo de material: Informe de Actividad

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Climate Change Education for Asia Pacific Small Islands Developing States

This guidance document provides training material on climate change education for small islands developing states in Asia Pacific region. It has been developed for use by teachers at all levels, aiming at 1) raising awareness of climate change through the role of education, 2) equipping and enhancing teachers with pedagogical skills and knowledge on climate change, and 3) sharing educational materials, ideas and activities in climate change education within the region.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNESCO, Malaysia Funds-in-Trust (MFIT)

Tema: Educación

Tema: Educación, Medio Ambiente, Ecosistemas

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés