
How to Become a Greenz Climate Champion

This toolkit aims to introduce the topic of climate change and adaptation in eight activity-based and interactive units to primary school teachers and students in Grenada. The Grenadian-German Programme “Integrated Climate Change Adaptation Strategies” (ICCAS) introduced the toolkit to 49 primary schools in the small island state and is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB).

The toolkit consists of a teacher manual, a worksheet collection, student passports, stickers and posters. Grenadian illustrator Stacey Byer developed child-friendly images for each unit. To date, 400 posters and 900 student passports including sticker sets were delivered to primary schools.


Descargar archivo: Teacher manual, Worksheet collection, Student Passport

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Organización: UNDP, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), Government of Grenada

Tema: Educación

Tema: Educación, Medio Ambiente, Training, Adaptación, Desarrollo de Capacidades

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

UNOPS Resilience Pathways Model

This brief gives an overview of Resilience Pathways Model (RPM), which is a tool designed to help countries integrate resilience planning across multiple sectors of their hard and soft infrastructure. The model also provides a framework to advise and provide strategic guidance on delivering against the key global policy frameworks in an integrated and cohesive way.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNOPS

Tema: Ciencia

Tema: Industria, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo, Ciencia, Tecnología, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22, Desarrollo de Capacidades

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Guidelines: Implementing the Resilience Pathways Model (RPM)

This guidance document aims to provide an expanded understanding of the UNOPS Resilience Pathways Model (RPM) as it applies within the development and humanitarian contexts. While the issue of resilience is not new, the RPM represents a unique approach to addressing resilience within the context of all major global frameworks and in particular the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR).

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNOPS

Tema: Ciencia

Tema: Adaptación, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo, Ciencia, Tecnología, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Social Protection and Climate Change in the Sahel: How Can Social Protection Address Regular Climate-Related Risks in the Sahel?

This brief shows that the effects of climate change are increasingly apparent in many Sahel countries. Relief efforts during crises and in response to everyday deprivation have been largely led by outside actors. However, many Sahel governments have now adopted national strategies for social protection, providing new opportunity for them to establish basic guarantees and incorporate lessons from neighbouring countries on addressing climate-related risks.


Descargar archivo: English

Organización: ILO, Agence Française de Developpement

Tema: Otro

Tema: Industria, Trabajo, Empleos Verdes/Economía, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Social Protection and Climate Change in China: How Are Rural Workers and Residents in China Faring with Conservation Efforts?

This brief shows that in China, there are big efforts to combat deforestation, with logging and other restrictions placed on large swaths of land. Nearly a million workers in state-owned forest enterprises lost their jobs at the turn of the century, but got help with job training and placement services. Other rural residents received cash to perform conservation activities, and the country was able to reforest nearly 27 million hectares of former farmland and deforested areas.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: ILO, Agence Française de Developpement

Tema: Otro

Tema: Industria, Trabajo, Empleos Verdes/Economía, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Social Protection and Climate Change in the Philippines: How Did the Philippines Combine Emergency Relief with Lasting Protection after Haiyan?

This brief presents that in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan, the Philippines’ Integrated Livelihood and Emergency Employment Program (DILEEP) provided emergency employment opportunities to affected populations, and affiliated participants to several social insurance schemes. Nearly 80,000 programme participants received immediate relief after the typhoon struck in 2013, and were enrolled in the national health and employment injury insurance schemes.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: ILO, Agence Française de Developpement

Tema: Otro

Tema: Salud, Trabajo, Adaptación, Reducción/Gestión del Riesgo, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Social Protection and Climate Change in Egypt: How Has the Removal of Fuel Subsidies in Egypt Affected its People and the Climate?

This brief presents that in Egypt, spending on fuel subsidies was a drain on public finances with benefits skewing toward the rich and exacerbating inequalities. The document also shows that subsidies were reduced to balance the budget and target wasteful consumption and emissions. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: ILO, Agence Française de Developpement

Tema: Otro

Tema: Finanzas, Industria, Trabajo, Empleos Verdes/Economía, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Social Protection and Climate Change in Brazil: Can Brazil Pursue Twin Social and Environmental Objectives Together?

This brief shows that Brazil’s invaluable rainforests have dwindled in recent decades, as agriculture and other development have moved in. The document suggests that development opportunities are crucial for many rural populations who continue to live in poverty, and the Government is attempting to address poverty and threats to the environment together through a new social protection programme.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: ILO, Agence Française de Developpement

Tema: Otro

Tema: Medio Ambiente, Industria, Trabajo, Seguridad Humana, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Skills for Green Jobs: ILO Package of Publications and Tools

This brochure gives an overview of ILO activities in facilitating the transition to a greener economy and creation of more green jobs. The document shows that ILO promotes skills for green jobs through the publication of policy documents, development tools and guides, research work, as well as capacity building activities. It works on the global and local levels. 

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: ILO

Tema: Otro

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Trabajo, Empleos Verdes/Economía, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: Guidance from the Conference of the Parties and Responses by the Global Environment Facility COP1 – COP21

This guidance document summarizes all COP guidance dating from the first COP to COP 21 and the corresponding GEF responses. The goal of this publication is to provide full documentation of the evolution of GEF activities and policies as informed by guidance from the COP. 

Descargar archivo: 2016, 2015, 2014, 2012

Organización: GEF

Tema: Otro

Tema: Finanzas, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Informe de Actividad

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

The Opportunity of the Commons

This guidance document presents that making our societies and economies more sustainable and less inequitable is not just to avoid disaster, but to build lasting prosperity.  The document also suggests that it is urgent to bring about transformations in key economic systems, from energy, cities and food to the “take-make-waste” economy, and leverage evidence and new information technology, political leadership, coalitions for change and innovation.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: GEF, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Energía, Transporte, Urbano, Tecnología, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Developing Local Climate Change Plans: A Guide for Cities in Developing Countries

This guidance document provides a tool for local policy-makers and major stakeholders with a methodology to plan for climate change. These plans must address both mitigation (e.g., reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere) and adaptation (responding to the impacts of climate change). If they are to be effective, local plans for climate change (both adaptation and mitigation) require the involvement of a variety of stakeholders and a specific focus on the most vulnerable groups.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNHABITAT, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Adaptación, Mitigación, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2012

Idioma: Inglés

Addressing Urban Issues In National Climate Change Policies: Cities and Climate Change Initiative

This analytical document is addressed primarily to decision-makers and stakeholders in the Global South engaged in developing national climate change policies. Such policies in the present context are high-level documents that set forth in a consolidated manner a country’s approach both to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change. This document seeks to help those teams how to deal with climate change in urban areas, and to empower local authorities as key actors in that effort.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNHABITAT

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Urbano, Mitigación, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2013

Idioma: Inglés

Analytical Study on the Relationship Between Climate Change and Human Rights

This technical document discusses how observed and projected impacts of climate change have implications for the enjoyment of human rights and for the obligations of States under international human rights law. 

Descargar archivo: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Russian

Organización: OHCHR

Tema: Otro

Tema: Derechos Humanos y Justicia, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22, Policy Instruments

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2009

Idioma: Inglés

Addressing Climate Change In National Urban Policy: A Policy Guide for Low-Carbon and Climate-Resilient Urban Development

This analytical documents provides a tool for government and other stakeholders that can assist with achieving more sustainable urban development. It facilitates an enabling environment that allows stakeholders to take advantage of urban opportunity. How to address climate change in cities and human settlements represents one of the most pressing challenges facing urban policy-makers today. It recommends how to mainstream such considerations into National Urban Policy, thus helping to empower national governments, local governments, and other stakeholders to effectively address climate change.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNHABITAT

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Urbano, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22, Policy Instruments

Tipo de material: Documento Analítico-Técnico

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Cities and Climate Change Initiative Fact Sheet

This guidance document exposes the Cities and Climate Change Initiative (CCCI), which supports cities in emerging and developing countries to address climate challenge. The Initiative supports cities responding to the negative impact of climate change that is already being felt worldwide, and to put in place appropriate mitigation measures. CCCI places emphasis on participatory processes, sound analysis, sustainable urban planning, good governance, responsive leadership, and practical initiatives at all levels.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: UNHABITAT, Kingdom of Norway, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Cities Alliance, European Union

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Planificación Económica y Desarrollo, Urbano, Mitigación, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Documento de Orientación

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Applying a Human Rights-Based Approach to Climate Change Negotiations, Policies and Measures

This guidance document suggests that human rights-based approach should be integrated in any climate change adaptation or mitigation measures, such as the promotion of alternative energy sources, forest conservation or tree-planting projects, resettlement schemes and others. Focusing on the rights of those who are already vulnerable and marginalized due to poverty and discrimination, a human rights-based approach to climate change can be a useful tool to complement international efforts aimed at tackling the adverse effects of global warming.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: OHCHR

Tema: Adaptación

Tema: Medio Ambiente, Adaptación, Derechos Humanos y Justicia, Mitigación, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2010

Idioma: Inglés

Understanding Human Rights and Climate Change

This policy document highlights the essential obligations and responsibilities of States and other duty-bearers (including businesses) and their implications for climate change-related agreements, policies, and actions. The document suggests that in order to foster policy coherence and help ensure that climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts are adequate, sufficiently ambitious, non-discriminatory and otherwise compliant with human rights obligations, the following considerations should be reflected in all climate action, including agreements to be negotiated at the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 

This document was submitted by OHCHR to the 21st Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC, 27 November 2015.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: OHCHR

Tema: Salud

Tema: Salud, Derechos Humanos y Justicia, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22, Policy Instruments

Tipo de material: Documento de Política

Fecha de publicación: 2015

Idioma: Inglés

Key Messages on Human Rights and Climate Change

This brief highlight the essential obligations and responsibilities of States and other duty-bearers (including businesses) and their implications for climate change-related agreements, policies, and actions. The brief suggests that in order to foster policy coherence and help ensure that climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts are adequate, sufficiently ambitious, non-discriminatory and otherwise compliant with human rights obligations, the following considerations should be reflected in all climate action.

Descargar archivo: English

Organización: OHCHR

Tema: Otro

Tema: Derechos Humanos y Justicia, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés

Resolution 32/33 – Human Rights and Climate Change

This resolution presents that the Council urged Parties to integrate human rights in climate change mitigation and adaptation, and called for a panel discussion on the adverse impact of climate change on the rights of the child to be held in the 34th session.

Descargar archivo: English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Russian

Organización: OHCHR

Tema: Otro

Tema: Adaptación, Derechos Humanos y Justicia, Mitigación, Lista de Publicaciones de las Naciones Unidas COP22, Policy Instruments

Tipo de material: Otro

Fecha de publicación: 2016

Idioma: Inglés, Árabe, Chino, Francés, Español, Ruso