Towards a National Climate Change Learning Strategy
Our work in Zambia aims to build up the learning and skills development needed to deliver the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP).
We are building on the knowledge and experience of other UN CC:Learn country work, particularly Malawi and Zimbabwe, and collaborating with MIET Africa, an education NGO that works with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) governments to support the provision of quality education in the SADC region.
Zambia launched its National Climate Change Learning Strategy, which can be downloaded below:
As a first step towards this strategy, a background report has been developed. The report includes:
- A review of national policies, laws, strategies, initiatives, and priorities relevant to climate change learning, with a focus on the NDC and NAP processes,
- Key stakeholders,
- A review of past and current climate learning initiatives in the country.
The report also outlines recommendations to meet Zambia’s need for continuous training and capacity building, and for the planning and development of the national climate change learning strategy.
View the background report in English here.
Turning the Strategy into Actions
Zambia launched its National Climate Change Learning Strategy in March 2021. The Strategy has three main objectives:
- Raise awareness and strengthening climate change knowledge
- Build individual and institutional capacity in climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Mainstream climate change learning into national priority sector policies and systems.
Some of the implementation activities already undertakes are:
- Dissemination of Climate Change Messages
Key messages on climate change have been translated into 6 local languages – Bemba, Kaonde, Luvale, Lozi, Nyanja and Tonga – and braille. The overall objective was to raise awareness and increase knowledge on climate change through dissemination of messages to the general public via select print means as well as broadcasting across radio and TV media.
- Youth Climate Dialogues
Youth from Zambia participated in four YCDs, exchanging with youth from France, Switzerland, China and Namibia.
- Scaling-up Strategy Implementation
With a generous contribution of EUR 17 million from Germany’s International Climate Initiative (IKI), the 7-year-long Facility for Action for Climate Empowerment to achieve Nationally Determined Contributions (FACE-NDC) project will be supporting the Zambian government in implementing its National Climate Change Learning Strategy. This project, launched in October 2023, will be implemented by a consortium of five partners: UNITAR, UNESCO, FAO, the Copperbelt University, and the University of Zambia.

Launch of the FACE-NDC project.
Our National Partners
Our work in Zambia is implemented under the leadership of the Climate Change and Natural Resources Department in the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources. A technical team, bringing together experts from the Climate Change and Natural Resources Department, the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) and the Zambia Climate Change Network (ZCCN) spearheaded the development of the country’s national climate change learning strategy, with support from the United Nations Development Programme.
View a video featuring young Zambians perspectives on climate change:
Project News and Activities
Empowering Zambians for a Climate Resilient Future: Launching of the Facility for Action for Climate Empowerment to Achieve Nationally Determined Contributions (FACE-NDC)
14 November 2023 I Zambia
Driving Climate Action in Southern Africa through Radio
3 August 2023 I Zambia
Radio Listening Habits to Boost Climate Action in Southern Africa
11 June 2021 I Zambia
Zambia has launched its National Climate Change Learning Strategy, a Big Step towards Ramping up Climate Change Education
26 March 2021 I Zambia
The TV and Radio programs that are changing the way Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe Address Climate Change
14 December 2020 I Zambia
Zambia is Set to Mainstream Climate Change Learning
8 December 2020 I Chisamba, Zambia
Zambia is on the Way to Finalising its National Climate Change Learning Strategy
26-27 February 2020 | Chisamba, Zambia
UN CC:Learn Joins Forces with the Climate Investment Fund (CIF) to Strengthen Climate Resilience in Zambia
06 November 2019 | Lusaka, Zambia
UN CC:Learn Ambassador Ms. Shamiso Najira Inspires Zambia
20 July 2019 | Lusaka, Zambia
UN CC:Learn Project Launch in Zambia
20 July 2019 | Zambia