Climate change is a challenge that exerts constraints on livelihoods in Liberia and many factors expose this country’s vulnerability to climate change. Its communities heavily depend on their livelihood and its economy is highly dependent on its natural wealth. Under extreme weather events and frequent and catastrophic floods, livelihoods, agriculture, and infrastructure are hardly affected. In 2024, UN CC:Learn started working with national and local stakeholders in Liberia to develop the National Climate Change Learning Strategy and build institutional capacities to tackle the climate crisis.

Building a National Climate Change Learning Strategy

Liberia has nominated the National Focal Point on the Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and is committed to developing and implementing the National Climate Change Learning Strategy (aka ACE Strategy) to address climate change in the country. The Action for Climate Empowerment encompasses educational, training, and public awareness programs that bring together key stakeholders for effectively implementing climate adaptation and mitigation actions.

The design and development of the Strategy require a comprehensive and cross-sectorial consultation process to ensure that all relevant stakeholders can take part in the Strategy, contribute to it, and reflect their views on Liberia’s national approach.

The first inception workshop took place in April 2024 to kick-start the project where national and local stakeholders came together to review the background report and stakeholder analysis. Further information to be shared soon.

Our National Partners

Our work in Liberia is coordinated by the Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia.

Project News and Activities

Liberia Paves the Way for Climate Change Learning with Inaugural Strategy Workshop
12 April 2024 I Liberia