The Teachers

Rina KUUSIPALO is a Human Rights Officer in the Environment and Climate Change Team of the UN Human Rights Office, working on various matters relating to the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment and the triple planetary crisis, including climate change. She has previously worked at UNEP, UNRWA, the UN Office of Legal Affairs, and the International Court of Justice, on topics relating to public international law, environment, and human rights.
The Class
This class will explore the increasingly important nexus between climate change and human rights. The impacts of climate change can restrict or prevent the enjoyment of all human rights, for everyone, everywhere, including the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. At the same time, international human rights law requires States and businesses to limit the adverse human rights impacts of climate change – including by limiting greenhouse gas emissions and providing means for people to adapt to climate impacts as well as effective remedy for loss and damage.
When & Where?
Thursday 7th December at 2PM CET (check your time zone).
Online videoconference Zoom.
Learning Resources
- OHCHR Frequently Asked Questions on Human Rights and Climate Change
- OHCHR Key messages and Briefing notes on human rights, climate change and the environment
- An Introduction to Climate Change and Human Rights – a joint course by OHCHR, UNFCCC, PCCB and UNITAR
- OHCHR and Climate Change: Information Materials page
- Key Messages on Human Rights and Loss and Damage
- Key Messages on human Rights and Just Transition
- Open Letter from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on COP28
What’s next?
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